java Programming Glossary: identifier
Hibernate Error: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session I have two user.. a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session com.pojo.rtrequests.User#com.pojo.rtrequests.User@d079b40b.. is saying is that you have two objects which have the same identifier same primary key but they are not the same object. I would suggest..
Is there a goto statement in java? later on existing code that used the word goto as an identifier variable name method name etcetera would break. But because..
Hibernate JPA Sequence (non-Id) to use a DB sequence for some column that is not the identifier is not part of a composite identifier I'm using hibernate as.. that is not the identifier is not part of a composite identifier I'm using hibernate as jpa provider and I have a table that.. values using a sequence although they are not part of the identifier. What I want is to use a sequence to create a new value for..
Design Patterns web based applications action failed. e Executing the action should return some identifier to locate the view. Simplest would be to use it as filename..
Hibernate: different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session [duplicate] different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session duplicate Possible.. a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session when I use the.. e throw the Exception different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session the function is..
How to generate a random alpha-numeric string In my situation it would be used as a unique session key identifier that would likely be unique over 500K generation my needs don't.. for secure easy but a little bit more expensive session identifiers. import public final class SessionIdentifierGenerator.. BigInteger 130 random .toString 32 If you allow session identifiers to be easily guessable too short flawed random number generator..
How does a HashMap work in Java? of the key and store the pair in the bucket of which the identifier is the hash code of the key. For example The hash code of the..
How to reference components in JSF ajax? Cannot find component with identifier “foo” in view components in JSF ajax Cannot find component with identifier &ldquo foo&rdquo in view The following code is inspired from.. working and gives the message Cannot find component with identifier insTable display in view . Here is the inner part of the code.. 2009 10 jsf working with component identifiers.html JSF don't find component in view root with the form id..
NetBeans 7.2 MinGW installing for OpenCV Click the Debug button Program stops on Line 17 Unresolved Identifier If the source of the .cpp file looks like this Click with the..
Labeled Statement block in Java? is documented in the JLS A break statement with label Identifier attempts to transfer control to the enclosing labeled statement.. to the enclosing labeled statement §14.7 that has the same Identifier as its label this statement which is called the break target..
How to detect language of user entered text?
Any way to get IntelliJ-like autocompletion in Eclipse? an option to show auto completion on start typing any Java Identifier Part. This would then look exactly as you want it. in NetBeans..
How a AST for an object oriented programming language would look like? be represented as follows Program ClassDeclList ClassDecl Identifier id Person VarDeclList VarDecl type String id name VarDecl..
Javascript parser for Java to play whack a mole. Does not parse Firefox style catch Identifier if Expression since those don't work on IE and many other interpreters...
Java modifiers syntax and format Modifier MethodOrFieldDecl MethodOrFieldDecl Type Identifier MethodOrFieldRest So for classes and interfaces the modifiers..