java Programming Glossary: idiomatic
Safely casting long to int in Java casting long to int in Java What's the most idiomatic way in Java to verify that a cast from long to int did not lose..
Closest Ruby representation of a 'private static final' and 'public static final' class variable in Java? to them is a pure getter method. This is probably not idiomatic Ruby but for anyone with a Lisp or JavaScript background it..
Most idiomatic way to print a time difference in Java? idiomatic way to print a time difference in Java I'm familiar with printing..
How do I count the number of occurrences of a char in a String? a.b.c.d I want to count the occurrences of '.' in an idiomatic way preferably a one liner. Previously I had expressed this.. a loop . java string share improve this question My 'idiomatic one liner' for this is int count StringUtils.countMatches a.b.c.d..
How to deal with Python ~ static typing? [closed] and dynamic typing are much less clear. By the way a more idiomatic Haskell version would probably look like this fib 0 0 fib 1..
Why does this go into an infinite loop? development so for all I know there could be much more idiomatic ways to illustrate this point. Perhaps if we write out a method..
In Java critical sections, what should I synchronize on? sections what should I synchronize on In Java the idiomatic way to declare critical sections in the code is the following..
Anonymous inner classes in C# my question is how do you emulate something like this in idiomatic C# c# java closures wicket anonymous inner class share improve..
Confused with Java Encapsulation Concept use of accessor methods getters and setters is a more idiomatic approach and easier to understand for someone else using your..
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 5. The valid indexes here are 0 4 inclusive. The correct idiomatic for statement here would be for int index 0 index array.length..
Binary search in a sorted (memory-mapped ?) file in Java such functionality Failing that could you point me to some idiomatic example code that does random access reads in text files Alternatively..
Why doesn't java have pointers? [closed] in C aren't very necessary in high quality systematic and idiomatic programming either. What raw pointers do allow you to do namely.. set of options most of which can be done better in idiomatic C . About the only real use for pointers is direct memory manipulation...