java Programming Glossary: identifying
Send message from a basic server to a specific client the clients will have to send some message to the server identifying themselves and the server will need to read and interpret that..
android device id confusion com.vcastroi.changeid It is mainly used by developers eg identifying and connecting to devices using adb ANDROID_ID can be used to.. and a paid service with a telco. The SIM contains its own identifying number IMSI . This is obtained from the TelephonyManager.getSubscriberId..
What is the correct way of overriding hashCode () and equals () methods of persistent entity? . The business key is what the user things of as uniquely identifying a particular record whereas the surrogate key is what the application..
Java packages com and org edu gov mil net org or one of the English two letter codes identifying countries as specified in ISO Standard 3166 1981. Subsequent..
(Unknown Source) in Exception stack trace in the stack trace which of course is very helpful in identifying the problem immediately and a major reason why the stack trace..
what is the convention for word separator in java package names? edu gov mil net org or one of the English two letter codes identifying countries as specified in ISO Standard 3166 1981. Subsequent..
JPA: difference between @JoinColumn and @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn? happens if I promote the column to be a the PK too a.k.a. identifying relationship As the column is now the PK I must tag it with.. happens if I promote the column to be a the PK too a.k.a. identifying relationship As the column is now the PK I must tag it with..
On using Terracotta as a persistence solution lifetimes and how that should frame your thinking about identifying opportunities for the use of Terracotta. In short Terracotta's..
Hibernate: Where do insertable = false, updatable = false belong in composite primary key constellations involving foreign keys? false in composite primary key constellations that use identifying relationships FKs that are part of the PK Into the composite..
How can I make Tomcat pre-compile JSPs on startup? there's a way to pre compile exactly one JSP by explicitly identifying a servlet load on startup tag in web.xml for one JSP. But for..
Selecting and Identifying element with JQuery to use it in Selenium 2 Java API ideas are welcome too. I need an automatic approach for identifying elements in jQuery which can be converted to Selenium elements..
UIManager color at a JFileChooser parameter at FileChooser or Combobox to fix this. Any help identifying the necessary parameters Thanks java swing jfilechooser nimbus..
Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson) in to the SCM If the goal is reliably and unambiguously identifying a particular build how to cope with a variety of continuous..
Smoothing a jagged path of this job Failing that what would be a good approach to identifying the location nature pair single of the inner corners I'm guessing..
What is the difference between a pointer and a reference variable in Java? same if you're used to thinking of a pointer as a way of identifying an object or navigating to it in some sense then yes those thoughts..
Size of Initialisation string in java an initialisation string in javac. Can anyone help me in identifying what the maximum limit is please Thank you edit We are building..
Can someone please explain mappedBy in hibernate? idAirlineFlights. This makes AirlineFlights as the owner identifying entity Theoretically I would like airline to be the owner of..