java Programming Glossary: g2d.getfontmetrics
Drawing a rectangle that won't disappear in next paint MyRectangle rect lstShapes rect.paint g2d FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics String text Integer.toString lstShapes.size g2d.setColor getForeground..
java / pdf text rendering . float size 1f while true font font.deriveFont size fm g2d.getFontMetrics font int em fm.charWidth 'M' if em 1000 break size 1 And then.. in pdf is really to java. font font.deriveFont 1000f fm g2d.getFontMetrics font Retrieve Widths attribute _pdfWidths for int i _firstChar..
Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component g2d g2d.setFont font String s df.format now FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics int w fm.stringWidth s int h fm.getHeight if time null timeG..
Aligning messageformat on printing a JTable .print g2d pf index Rectangle r g2d.getClipBounds int dw g2d.getFontMetrics .stringWidth s int dh g2d.getFontMetrics .getHeight System.out.println.. int dw g2d.getFontMetrics .stringWidth s int dh g2d.getFontMetrics .getHeight System.out.println index r g2d.setPaint Color.gray..
Using Graphics2D to overlay text on a BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage Serif Font.BOLD 20 String s Hello world FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics int x img.getWidth fm.stringWidth s 5 int y fm.getHeight g2d.drawString..
JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared this.getForeground g2d.setFont FONT FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics width fm.stringWidth digit.toString height fm.getAscent g2d.drawString..
How do i align this text correctly? int w this.getWidth int h this.getHeight int w2 g2d.getFontMetrics .stringWidth s 2 int h2 2 g2d.getFontMetrics .getHeight 3 render.. int w2 g2d.getFontMetrics .stringWidth s 2 int h2 2 g2d.getFontMetrics .getHeight 3 render 0 w 2 w2 h h2 render 1 h2 h 2 w2 render..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? 0 w h g2d.setColor String s w u00D7 h int x w g2d.getFontMetrics .stringWidth s 2 g2d.drawString s x 24 g2d.dispose return bi..
rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g FontMetrics fontMetrics g2d.getFontMetrics String xString x axis label int xStrWidth fontMetrics.stringWidth..