

java Programming Glossary: g2d.dispose

How do you create a thumbnail image out of a JPEG in Java?


xScale yScale g2d.drawRenderedImage source at g2d.dispose return bi private BufferedImage getCompatibleImage int w int..

AffineTransform.rotate() - how do I xlate, rotate, and scale at the same time?


2.0 masterHeight 2.0 g2d.drawImage masterImage at null g2d.dispose @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent.. 1 1 g2d.drawImage masterImage 0 masterImage.getHeight this g2d.dispose @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent..

the images are not loading


1 1 g2d.drawImage masterFish masterFish.getWidth 0 this g2d.dispose for int index 0 index NUMNBER_OF_FISHIES index fishes.add new..

Java Bouncing Ball


for Ball ball ballsUp ball.paint g2d g2d.dispose public List Ball getBalls return ballsUp public class BounceEngine..

Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to.


if insect null g2d.setColor Color.RED g2d.fill insect g2d.dispose public class Ball extends JPanel public int maxSpeed 10 private.. beachBall x y this g2d.setTransform transform g2d.dispose public void move Rectangle world Rectangle collision Rectangle..

How to make line animation smoother?


animatable getModel .getAnimatables animatable.paint g2d g2d.dispose @Override public synchronized void updateState Runnable update..

Scale the ImageIcon automatically to label size


g2d.drawImage image 0 0 width height null g2d.dispose return bi you would create an image to whatever size you want..

add thumnails to spring layout like a grid?


scale g2d.setTransform at g2d.drawImage img 0 0 this g2d.dispose FlowLayout subclass that fully supports wrapping of components...

Java Applet Game 2D Window Scrolling


y real.y party.getHeight 2 g2d.drawImage party x y this g2d.dispose protected Point fromWorld Point wp Point p new Point p.x..

Using Graphics2D to overlay text on a BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage


fm.stringWidth s 5 int y fm.getHeight g2d.drawString s x y g2d.dispose return img @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics..

Wanting a type of grid for a pixel editor


g2d Graphics2D img.getGraphics icon.paintIcon null g2d 0 0 g2d.dispose this.addMouseMotionListener this @Override protected void paintComponent..

How to rotate an image gradually in Swing?


JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


fm.getAscent g2d.drawString digit.toString 0 height BASE g2d.dispose return bi private class ButtonAction extends AbstractAction..

Java2D Graphics anti-aliased


font g.drawString as.getIterator 5 messageHeight g2d.dispose g.dispose return bi Can anyone please help me to rectify the.. g2d.setColor Color.blue layout.draw g2d 0 r.y g2d.dispose return bi private void display JFrame f new JFrame BITest f.setDefaultCloseOperation..

Printing a large Swing component


Graphics2D g2d image.createGraphics panel.paint g2d g2d.dispose AffineTransform at new AffineTransform at.scale SCALE SCALE..

How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work?


g2d.getFontMetrics .stringWidth s 2 g2d.drawString s x 24 g2d.dispose return bi public static void createAndShowGUI PictureFrame..

Stretch a JLabel text


g2d.setColor getForeground layout.draw g2d 0 r.y g2d.dispose return bi private static void display JFrame f new JFrame LayoutTest..