

java Programming Glossary: g2.drawstring

JList with categories


float x OFFSET float y h height 2 lm.getDescent g2.drawString text x y private void createImages int w 20 int h getPreferredSize..

Print text File to specific printer in java


fr String s while s br.readLine null y interline g2.drawString s x y catch IOException e throw new PrinterException File..

Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file


jfcBlue g2.setFont new Font serif Font.BOLD 18 g2.drawString ERROR 5 20 AttributedString as new AttributedString errStr.. null g2.setColor Color.black g2.setFont font12 g2.drawString Length String.valueOf seconds 3 h 4 else g2.setColor Color.black.. 3 h 4 else g2.setColor Color.black g2.setFont font12 g2.drawString File fileName Length String.valueOf duration Position String.valueOf..

Wicket Dynamic Image URL


Graphics2D g2 img.createGraphics g2.setColor Color.WHITE g2.drawString query img.getWidth 2 img.getHeight 2 return the image as a..

Problems with newline in Graphics2D.drawString


one line. String newline System.getProperty line.separator g2.drawString part1 r n newline part2 x y java string newline graphics2d..

MessageFormat header/footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing


headerFormat comings with JTable.PrintMode or I must paint g2.drawString my header footer and JTable#print separatelly java swing printing..

How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()?


n rect g2.drawRect rect.x rect.y rect.width rect.height g2.drawString s dx dy public float getAlpha return alpha public void setAlpha..

How to add sexy on/off sliders?
