java Programming Glossary: g2d.translate
Append text for printing before and after a JTable throws PrinterException Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.translate pf.getImageableX pf.getImageableY g2d.setFont font g2d.setColor..
How to print strings with line breaks in java format int pageIndex Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.translate format.getImageableX format.getImageableY g2d.setPaint
Drawing an image at a point of another image 'translate' the graphics 2D object to a separate location g2d.translate x 0 Screenhsot In this image the character has moved to the.. we 'translate' the graphics object to a separate location g2d.translate x 0 c.paint g2d this @Override public void keyTyped KeyEvent..
how can you make a progress bar without using JProgressBar? getBackground g2d.fillRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight g2d.translate x y if percentStringVisible FontMetrics fm g.getFontMetrics..
Drawing 2 Balls to move in different direction on Java but one disappeared [closed] RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON Point p ball.getPoint g2d.translate p.x p.y ball.paint g2d g2d.dispose public class Ball private..
Printing reciepts with thermal printer in java g2d.setFont new Font Arial Font.BOLD 10 g2d.translate pageFormat.getImageableX pageFormat.getImageableX g2d.drawString..
Reverse Java Graphics2D scaled and rotated coordinates g try paintXfrm g2d.getTransform paintXfrm.invert g2d.translate getWidth 2 getHeight 2 g2d.transform xfrm g2d.translate image.getWidth.. g2d.translate getWidth 2 getHeight 2 g2d.transform xfrm g2d.translate image.getWidth 0.5 image.getHeight 0.5 paintXfrm.concatenate..
How to rotate an image gradually in Swing? g super.paintComponent g Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.translate this.getWidth 2 this.getHeight 2 g2d.rotate theta g2d.translate.. this.getWidth 2 this.getHeight 2 g2d.rotate theta g2d.translate image.getWidth null 2 image.getHeight null 2 g2d.drawImage image..
setOpaque() in java g2d.fillRect region.x region.y region.width region.height g2d.translate region.x region.y component.paint g2d g2d.dispose return image..
Can a Java Applet use the printer? int pageFormat.getImageableHeight g2d.translate int pageFormat.getImageableX int pageFormat.getImageableY RepaintManager..
MessageFormat header/footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing to the start of the original pageFormat and draw header g2d.translate pageFormat.getImageableX pageFormat.getImageableY printHeader..
Rotate a Java Graphics2D Rectangle? rect1 new Rectangle 100 100 20 20 g2d.setColor Color.WHITE g2d.translate rect1.x rect1.width 2 rect1.y rect1.height 2 g2d.rotate Math.toRadians..
rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java at g2d.getTransform save the graphics context's transform g2d.translate leftStartPlotWindow blueTop translate origin to bottom left.. at g2d.getTransform Translate the origin to the center. g2d.translate w 2 h 2 Invert the y axis. g2d.scale 1 1 Render using cartesian..