

java Programming Glossary: g2d.setfont

Append text for printing before and after a JTable


g g2d.translate pf.getImageableX pf.getImageableY g2d.setFont font g2d.setColor Color.black g2d.drawString Report 50 200 return..

Printing reciepts with thermal printer in java


g2d Graphics2D graphics.create g2d.setPaint Color.black g2d.setFont new Font Arial Font.BOLD 10 g2d.translate pageFormat.getImageableX..

java / pdf text rendering


Type1 BaseFont Times Roman endobj In Java I'm using g2d.setFont new Font TimesRoman Font.PLAIN 16 g2d.drawString Normal Return..

Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component


w 2 w2 h 2 h2 null private void renderTime Graphics2D g2d g2d.setFont font String s df.format now FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics..

Using Graphics2D to overlay text on a BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage


g2d.drawImage old 0 0 null g2d.setPaint Color.red g2d.setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 20 String s Hello world FontMetrics..

JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


g2d.setColor this.getForeground g2d.setFont FONT FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics width fm.stringWidth..

Java2D Graphics anti-aliased


RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON g2d.setFont font bi g2d.getDeviceConfiguration .createCompatibleImage 500..

How do i align this text correctly?


public void paintComponent Graphics g g2d Graphics2D g g2d.setFont f g2d.setColor Color.black g2d.fillRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight..