java Programming Glossary: g.setpaint
Java transparent window 500 0 stops colors fill a rect then paint with text g.setPaint paint g.fillRect 0 0 500 200 g.setPaint Color.WHITE g.drawString.. paint with text g.setPaint paint g.fillRect 0 0 500 200 g.setPaint Color.WHITE g.drawString My Killer App 200 100 share improve..
Infinite background for game 0 float s 4 Color.YELLOW float s 4 0f Color.GREEN true g.setPaint gp1 g.fillRect 0 0 s s int trans 165 GradientPaint gp2 new GradientPaint.. 0 0 trans 0f float s 2 new Color 255 255 255 trans true g.setPaint gp2 g.fillRect 0 0 s s g.dispose return bi share improve this..
'Fill' Unicode characters in labels 2 r.height 4 c1 sz 2 r.width 4 sz 2 r.height 4 c2 false g.setPaint gp else g.setColor baseColor for Shape region regions Rectangle..
creating 10.000 connected hexagon page? Graphics2D g int cx int cy int rank g.translate cx cy g.setPaint fill rank g.fillPolygon polyX polyY 6 g.setColor line rank g.setStroke..
How to add JTable in JPanel GradientPaint 20f 20f 180f 180f Color.yellow g.setPaint gp g.fillRect 0 0 200 200 ImageIcon ii new ImageIcon bi JLabel..
Override Swing Nimbus L&F primary color per component instance void paintBackgroundEnabled Graphics2D g rect decodeRect1 g.setPaint color1 g.fill rect rect decodeRect2 g.setPaint decodeGradient1.. decodeRect1 g.setPaint color1 g.fill rect rect decodeRect2 g.setPaint decodeGradient1 rect g.fill rect private void paintBackgroundDisabled.. void paintBackgroundDisabled Graphics2D g rect decodeRect2 g.setPaint decodeGradient2 rect g.fill rect private void paintBackgroundEnabledAndMouseOver..