

java Programming Glossary: g2.draw

JList with categories


int w getWidth int h getHeight if selected g2.drawImage open PAD 0 this else g2.drawImage closed PAD 0 this g2.setFont.. h getHeight if selected g2.drawImage open PAD 0 this else g2.drawImage closed PAD 0 this g2.setFont font FontRenderContext frc.. float x OFFSET float y h height 2 lm.getDescent g2.drawString text x y private void createImages int w 20 int h getPreferredSize..

Game (with KeyListener) does not respond to user input?


new Ellipse2D.Double xPos yPos 100 100 g2.setPaint Color g2.draw ball g2.fill ball Class Player2 is the same exact copy. The..

Drawing a line on a JFrame


Graphics2D g Line2D lin new Line2D.Float 100 100 250 260 g2.draw lin public static void main String args Success s new Success.. Graphics2D g Line2D lin new Line2D.Float 100 100 250 260 g2.draw lin public static void main String args Success s new Success..

Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file


jfcBlue g2.setFont new Font serif Font.BOLD 18 g2.drawString ERROR 5 20 AttributedString as new AttributedString errStr.. null g2.setColor Color.black g2.setFont font12 g2.drawString Length String.valueOf seconds 3 h 4 else g2.setColor.. 3 h 4 else g2.setColor Color.black g2.setFont font12 g2.drawString File fileName Length String.valueOf duration Position..

Border with rounded corners & transparency


g2.setClip null g2.setColor color g2.setStroke stroke g2.draw area While the TextBubbleBorder was devised for Internal padding..

java/swing: converting a text string to a Shape


BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND 1 new float 1 0.4f 1.5f 0 g2.draw s public static void main String args JFrame f new JFrame Test..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


y STEP STEP 3 STEP 3 g2.fill e g2.setColor Color.GRAY g2.draw e catch Exception e e.printStackTrace iter g2.setColor Color.black..

Drawing a rectangle over an existing Graphics page


null return else if drawing g2.setColor DRAWING_RECT_COLOR g2.draw rect else g2.setColor DRAWN_RECT_COLOR g2.draw rect private.. g2.draw rect else g2.setColor DRAWN_RECT_COLOR g2.draw rect private class MyMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter private..

Java - opaque color


g2.setComposite OVER_HALF g2.setColor Color.red g2.draw line1 if src g2.setComposite AlphaComposite.Src g2.setColor.. g2.setComposite AlphaComposite.Src g2.setColor Color.blue g2.draw line2 public static void main String args final JFrame frame..

Internal padding for JTextArea with background Image


g2.setClip null g2.setColor color g2.setStroke stroke g2.draw area public static void main String args SwingUtilities.invokeLater..