java Programming Glossary: formatters
Java Date month difference plaguing the current date time objects I'm thinking of formatters particularly It's the basis of the new Java date time APIs to..
Java: Getting time interval ie the difference between 23 30 02 30 and has nice inbuilt formatters public class TestJodaTime public static void main String args..
How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code? could be configurable to be whatever we choose and other formatters could be programmed to respect it as well STOP ECLIPSE FORMATTING..
Avoiding instanceof in Java an array of Thing1s. I had a problem when I implemented my formatters like this class Thing1Formatter private static Thing2Formatter..
Are there any cons to using Joda-Time? code a lot easier to reason about and thread safety for formatters is hugely useful. Yes there are files to keep up to date but..
Should I use Java date and time classes or go with a 3rd party library like Joda Time? a lot easier IME. Leading on from immutability all the formatters are thread safe which is great because you almost always want..
Precision error with floats in Java caused me headache in the past and I usually use number formatters or put them into a String. Edit As people have mentioned I could..
GSON - Date format That should do it. EDIT With serializers I believe that formatters cannot produce timestamps but this serializer deserializer pair..
Working with large text snippets in Java source share improve this question While you could use certain formatters to convert and embed any text file or long literal as a Java..
Stand-alone Java code formatter/beautifier/pretty printer? available choices of high quality stand alone source code formatters for Java. The formatter must be stand alone that is it must.. jacobe Jacobe.html There's also a more complete list of formatters here on Roedy Green's site http jgloss beautifier.html..