java Programming Glossary: format.getframesize
Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file audioBytes new byte int audioInputStream.getFrameLength format.getFrameSize audioBytes catch Exception ex reportStatus.. i 128 int frames_per_pixel audioBytes.length format.getFrameSize w byte my_byte 0 double y_last 0 int numChannels format.getChannels.. out new ByteArrayOutputStream int frameSizeInBytes format.getFrameSize int bufferLengthInFrames line.getBufferSize 8 int bufferLengthInBytes..
javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException: could not get audio input stream from input file when loading wav file format.getSampleSizeInBits format.getChannels format.getFrameSize format.getFrameRate true big endian stream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream.. Clip.class stream.getFormat int stream.getFrameLength format.getFrameSize Clip clip Clip AudioSystem.getLine info stream double..
Is there a Java API for mp4 files? long audioFileLength file.length int frameSize format.getFrameSize float frameRate format.getFrameRate float durationInSeconds..
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API int frames framePosition frames int offset framePosition format.getFrameSize try inputStream.reset new byte offset catch.. public int getFrameLength return audioData.length format.getFrameSize AudioFormat format @Override public void open AudioInputStream.. convertMonoToStereo data bytesRead framesRead bytesRead format.getFrameSize bytesRead 2 else framesRead bytesRead dataLine.getFormat..
Detect silence when recording new Runnable int bufferSize int format.getSampleRate format.getFrameSize byte buffer new byte bufferSize public void run int readPoint.. ais new AudioInputStream input format audio.length format.getFrameSize AudioSystem.write ais AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE new File temp.wav..
How to stop a music Clip in Java? format.getSampleSizeInBits 2 format.getChannels format.getFrameSize 2 format.getFrameRate true stream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream..
How do you play a long AudioClip? int frames framePosition frames int offset framePosition format.getFrameSize try inputStream.reset new byte offset catch.. public int getFrameLength return audioData.length format.getFrameSize AudioFormat format @Override public void open AudioInputStream.. convertMonoToStereo data bytesRead framesRead bytesRead format.getFrameSize bytesRead 2 else framesRead bytesRead dataLine.getFormat..