java Programming Glossary: deep
Making a OneToOne-relation lazy the issue I noticed that the problem was caused by the deep hierarchy of OneToOne and ManyToOne relations between entity..
How do I do a deep copy of a 2d array in Java? do I do a deep copy of a 2d array in Java I just got bit by using .clone on.. .clone on my 2d boolean array thinking that this was a deep copy. How can I perform a deep copy of my boolean array Should.. thinking that this was a deep copy. How can I perform a deep copy of my boolean array Should I loop through it and do a series..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance recommended solution for deep cloning copying an instance I'm wondering if there is a recommended.. I'm wondering if there is a recommended way of doing deep clone copy of instance in java. I have 3 solutions in mind but.. Bohzo propositon and refine question it's more about deep cloning than shallow cloning. Do it yourself code the clone..
JDBC MySql Connection Pooling practices way. Update you don't necessarly need to nest them that deep in their own finally blocks. The following is also just fine..
How to properly override clone method? to properly override clone method I need to implement a deep clone in one of my objects which has no superclass. What is.. read between the lines you will know that I think clone is deeply broken. ... It's a shame that Cloneable is broken but it happens...
How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses? to NOT have this need in the first place That's a pretty deep question to answer well. I imagine yes but you'd need to add..
C# vs Java generics [duplicate] generics in 2.0. The benefits are preformance improvements deep type safety verification and reflection. Again the provided..
How do you make a deep copy of an object in Java? do you make a deep copy of an object in Java In java it's a bit difficult to implement.. in Java In java it's a bit difficult to implement a deep object copy function. What steps you take to ensure the original..
Deep clone utility recomendation clone utility recomendation Is there any utility for deep cloning for java collections Arrays Lists Maps NOTE prefer some.. is a small open source apache licence java library which deep clones objects. The objects don't have to implement the Cloneable.. object to be modified or whenever you want to create a deep copy of objects. Cloner cloner new Cloner XX clone cloner.deepClone..
How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents? dogs list. Thanks for any answer java collections clone deep copy share improve this question You will need to iterate..
JTable with JPopupMenu as the getPopupLocation is called by AWTEventHelper deep in the LAF after getComponentPopup . So there's no leeway for..
Deep cloning multidimensional arrays in Java…? cloning multidimensional arrays in Java&hellip I have two multidimensional..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance do it for you like commons lang SerializationUtils Java Deep Cloning Library Dozer Kryo pro same as reflection more control.. control and you can force implementing Serializable Java Deep Cloning Library using reflection in cases when the classes or..
How to properly override clone method? catch CloneNotSupportedException e throw new Error Deep clone member fields here return foo This seems like a good solution..
Best Method to run a Java Application as a *nix Daemon or Windows Service? The docs are clear and to the point with great examples Deep per platform support There are some unique features in the window..
Deep Copy [] and ArrayList Java Copy and ArrayList Java I want to make a Deep Copy of some.. Copy and ArrayList Java I want to make a Deep Copy of some Object and ArrayList How can i do that without..
Deep copy of an object array copy of an object array I want to make a deep copy of an object..
Deep clone utility recomendation clone utility recomendation Is there any utility for deep cloning.. this also makes me cry . So what is the solution Java Deep Cloning library The cloning library is a small open source apache..
Cloning with generics this also makes me cry . So what is the solution Java Deep Cloning library The cloning library is a small open source apache..