java Programming Glossary: decoration
How can I set in the midst? are painting directly to it. The problem is frames have decoration a border and title bar for example which takes up space inside.. in the center of frame but the because of the frame's decorations it looks like it's slightly high... Instead you should be painting.. which made the frame size actually 816x438 as the frame's decorations are now outside of the paint area. public class CenterOfFrame..
Why is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated? every operation bit is another example of poor design the decoration approach gives cleaner separation of concerns. As for a Stack..
How would one use IDecorationContext api from Eclipse JFace example out there for using IDecorationContext for label decorations By the looks of it IDecorationContext class seems to provide.. class seems to provide some sort of contextual decoration support but for the life of me I can not find any sample code.. code using this feature... Has anybody actually used decoration context feature and if so what use cases did it solve PS I am..
Is there a workaround for Java's poor performance on walking huge directories? fast as well. Be sure to do the one item per line bare no decoration no graphics full path and recurse options of your selected command...
Is The Java Tutorials Translucent Window example giving trouble to those playing with jdk7? and will create a translucent window albeit without any decoration which is a pain . Is this normal Shouldn't this code run right..
Line2D decoration tips needed - Graphics2D decoration tips needed Graphics2D I have Line2D and Arc2D objects laid..
Java BBCode library style italic ' 1 span bbMap.put u . u span style 'text decoration underline ' 1 span bbMap.put h1 . h1 h1 1 h1 bbMap.put h2 ...
Better alternative to Apache Tiles modify the original so it is more a html transformation decoration framework than a templating framework like Tiles. In my personal..