java Programming Glossary: defeat
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? In other words ICC took advantage of the test loop to defeat the benchmark... If you give the Intel Compiler the branchless..
trouble making polymorphism defeat those switch/case statements making polymorphism defeat those switch case statements Continuing on previous questions.. break Obviously somewhere along the way I managed to defeat the advantage of polymorphism against the case statements. Could..
Java Generics: Why Does Map.get() Ignore Type? [duplicate] is to catch type error early during compiling. Does this defeat that purpose java generics share improve this question ..
How do a send an HTTPS request through a proxy in Java? javaworld javatips jw javatip111.html EDIT If you want defeat all the security measures in JSSE you still need your own TrustManager...
Why is Class.newInstance() “evil”?
leiningen - how to add dependencies for local jars? the purposes of lein swank and the like this does seem to defeat the point of using a dependency management tool though if you..
Ignore certificate errors when requesting a URL in Java Then return the InputStream from the connection. This will defeat any attempts by the runtime to protect the user from a spoof..
What is the security risk of object reflection? it is to ensure things are safe as they should. Reflection defeat notably static typing and can lead to run time errors. But more..
JPA cascade persist and references to detached entities throws PersistentObjectException. Why? this I'll end up with pretty horrible code that seems to defeat the reason of using ORM in the first place. I might as well..
Piracy protection using USB based hardware solution customers. Besides any scheme you build in will just be defeated by reverse engineering if you make it a pain to use your software.. your software you will motivate otherwise honest people to defeat it or to search the internet for a crack. Simply make the protection..
how can i open the calendar from my app? need my app to have a calendar be part of it plus it would defeat the purpose my app allows the user to listen to a radio station..
Setting JVM heap size at runtime there's a lot of room for the heap to grow and which would defeat the goal of wanting the heap size to adjust to the app's needs...
Why is volatile used in this example of double checked locking why volatile is being used. Doesn't using volatile defeat the purpose of using double checked locking i.e performance..
How can I get jcifs to play nicely with apache axis into my own class it is declared as 'final' in order to defeat inheritance I have then overwritten the method public String..