java Programming Glossary: dedicated
SQLite in a multithreaded java application processes since as an embedded database it does not have a dedicated process server to schedule operations. Since each thread in..
How to programmatically set the SSLContext of a JAX-WS client? affected by this. Although my other components are using dedicated parameters for their SSL configuration my.xmpp.keystore xxx..
Multiple annotations of the same type on one element? @Foo bar one @Foo bar two public void haha You'll need dedicated handling of Foos annotation in code though. btw I've just used..
Make JPopupMenu Display with a Certain Bottom Left Coordinate it probably isn't quite what you need unless you have a dedicated button for the task which may not be a bad thing so you would..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance runtime javassit BCEL or cglib might be use to generate a dedicated cloner as fast as one hand writed. Someone knows a lib using..
dynamic roles on a Java EE server on a Java EE server I want to manage user and roles in a dedicated application. For example a user of this application customerX..
How to access java-classes in the default-package? some post processing is needed to move the file into a dedicated package and add this package directive at its beginning. share..
Java GUI JProgressBar not painting that time in the EDT Keep in mind that AWT Swing have a dedicated thread that does GUI work handling event handlers repainting..
JAXB: how to marshall map into <key>value</key> any solution for that P.S. Currently I have to create a dedicated container class for each typical set of key value pairs I want..
Is Hibernate an overkill for an Android application? [duplicate] a fairly large for mobile application and will be run on a dedicated tablet. What does everyone else think Is Hibernate too much..
Part 2 - How do I get consistent rendering when scaling a JTextPane? on this continent a new nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. try doc.insertString..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern REST requests with different return types or if I need a dedicated service for each REST request. Probably I have many other understanding..
How to get involved in Open Source? [duplicate] in a really active project or one that has only a few dedicated developers I want to work in C# but would be willing to work..
Any way to share session state between different applications in tomcat? apps in the same Tomcat instance Our app is running on a dedicated tomcat 5.5 there are no other apps running on the same tomcat..
How does the Netty threading model work in the case of many client connections? things fairly well each bound listen port will require a dedicated boss thread throughout the process while connected clients will.. tho. My question is does this mean that there will be one dedicated boss thread for each connection from my program to an external..
Tracking audio (level of intensity) - android/iphone to retrieve the characteristics of the audio output signal dedicated to headphones during audio playback I don't want to record the..
Cancelling a long running regex match? catch InterruptedException ex ignore top level method in dedicated thread etc.. I've read j2se 1.4.2 docs guide misc..
Why does JPasswordField.getPassword() create a String with the password in it? 'hidden' use of getText dangerous in any way Of course a dedicated attacker WILL get your password if it has compromised the system.. if it has compromised the system I am talking about a less dedicated one I came across this while I was looking for a way to actually..