java Programming Glossary: defaultstyle
Strange text wrapping with styled text in JTextPane with Java 7 new Runnable public void run Style defaultStyle jtp.getStyle StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE doc.setCharacterAttributes.. doc.setCharacterAttributes 0 doc.getLength defaultStyle false public static void main String args new BugWrapJava7.. new Runnable public void run Style defaultStyle jtp.getStyle StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE doc.setCharacterAttributes..
Part 2 - How do I get consistent rendering when scaling a JTextPane? StyledDocument doc scaledTextPane.getStyledDocument Style defaultStyle StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext .getStyle StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE.. Style boldStyle doc.addStyle bold defaultStyle StyleConstants.setBold boldStyle true scaledTextPane.setFont.. boldStyle doc.insertString doc.getLength plainText defaultStyle catch BadLocationException ble System.err.println Couldn't..