java Programming Glossary: default_size
JTable Nimbus Look and Feel - how to make it clear which cell has focus public static final int DOWN 1 private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE 11 private Color edge1 private Color edge2 private Color fill.. controlDkShadow UIManager.getColor controlShadow DEFAULT_SIZE direction else init UIManager.getColor controlHighlight UIManager.getColor.. controlShadow UIManager.getColor control DEFAULT_SIZE direction else if isPressedView init UIManager.getColor..
Blinking Tray Icon public static final int DOWN 1 private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE 16 private Color edge1 private Color edge2 private Color fill.. controlDkShadow UIManager.getColor controlShadow DEFAULT_SIZE direction else init UIManager.getColor controlHighlight .. controlShadow UIManager.getColor control DEFAULT_SIZE direction else if isPressedView init UIManager.getColor..