java Programming Glossary: defaultstyleddocument
How can I set each character to a different color/background color in a JTextPane? a character like so StyledDocument doc StyledDocument new DefaultStyledDocument JTextPane textpane new JTextPane doc textpane.setText Test javax.swing.text.Style.. import javax.swing.JTextPane import javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE StyledDocument doc new DefaultStyledDocument JTextPane textPane new JTextPane doc textPane.setText Lorem..
java change the document in DocumentListener ex JTextPane textPane new JTextPane new DefaultStyledDocument AbstractDocument textPane.getDocument .setDocumentFilter new..
JTextPane formatting [closed] context new StyleContext StyledDocument document new DefaultStyledDocument context Style styleBold context.getStyle StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE..
Set hilighting color in jTextField import javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument import javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter import javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter.FilterBypass.. ex JTextField field new JTextField new DefaultStyledDocument null 20 AbstractDocument field.getDocument .setDocumentFilter..
How to limit JTextArea max Rows and Coloums? textArea public class LimitedStyledDocument extends DefaultStyledDocument Field maxCharacters int maxLines public LimitedStyledDocument.. worked for me public class LimitedLinesDocument extends DefaultStyledDocument private static final String EOL n private int maxLines public..