java Programming Glossary: ddl
Any concept of shared memory in Java memory segment you need to resort to a helper library DDL and JNI to use shared memory to have two Java processes talk..
Java - Storing SQL statements in an external file plain text format but XML is OK too Allow DML as well as DDL statements to be stored retrieved New statements can be added..
Hibernate on Oracle: mapping String property to CLOB column String getDescription return description EDIT 3 Here's the DDL for PIGGIES CREATE TABLE PIGGIES PIGGY_ID NUMBER NOT NULL ENABLE..
Hibernate @generatedvalue for HSQLDB just in case How did you create the table Can you show the DDL activate the logging of org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl if required.. you insert through Hibernate's API right Here is a sample DDL for an entity Foo when using HSQLDB create table Foo id bigint.. create or alter your physical model if you don't use the DDL generation and export capabilities. share improve this answer..
How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations you for a quick reply. Sorry I completely forgot to send DDL. CREATE TABLE `operator` `id` INT 10 NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT.. ... IMPORTANT FOLLOW UP I just got the true and complete DDL grrr sorry things are pretty complicated. This is the DDL CREATE.. DDL grrr sorry things are pretty complicated. This is the DDL CREATE TABLE `operator` `id` INT 10 NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT..
Hibernate possible values and what they do? Automatically validates or exports schema DDL to the database when the SessionFactory is created. With create..
JPA composite primary key id I need to define a class Price such that when the DDL is generated from the classes the primary key of the corresponding.. which causes the following error when I try to load the DDL into SQL Server Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable.. model they are annotated @ManyToOne optional false The DDL is generated using the org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect..
GlassFish JDBC Realm Group Membership to configure the JDBC realm. The database structure as DDL statements The USERS table CREATE TABLE USERS USERID VARCHAR..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool Also I've seen JPA Hibernate used as a form of portable DDL meaning you run a small Java program that creates the database..
Elegant ways to handle database views on hibernate entities? only a limited subset of the data definition language DDL of the underlying database. Basically it supports enough DDL.. of the underlying database. Basically it supports enough DDL to generate a working schema but not enough to handle creation.. more database object sections. You have to write the SQL DDL yourself for each database you want to support but since they're..