java Programming Glossary: deals
What goes into the “Controller” in “MVC”? for displaying it to the user and the Controller deals with user input. What I'm uncertain about is exactly what goes..
Why main method in Java always needs arguments? And for example C# gives you alternative signatures and deals with the ambiguity problem by requiring the developer to designate..
How to make line animation smoother? UPDATE The biggest problem you're going to face deals with the fact that the screen only works in whole numbers.....
Spring Generic Dao class name Also I would call it a repository not a service a service deals with different types and their interactions not just one . And..
Why does changing the returned variable in a finally block not change the return value? at that point change the return value. Note that the above deals with changes to the value of s itself in the finally block not..
Is there a destructor for Java? my question more specific I am writing an application that deals with data and the specification say that there should be a 'reset'..
Maven parent pom vs modules pom to mention. Actually I wonder how the maven release plugin deals with pattern #1 especially with the parent section since you..
Class with single method — best approach? is a property that just returns new MyClass Only a Sith deals in absolutes Of course there are exceptions to my dislike of..
Java - short and casting the range of the declared type if the rhs of an assignment deals with expressions using variables casting is necessary But why..
Java: Difference between PrintStream and PrintWriter a Writer is a stream of characters. If an OutputStream deals with bytes what about PrintStream.print String It converts chars..
Is there a recommended way to use the Observer pattern in MVP using GWT? into events specialised for my system. The handler below deals with ClickEvents simply by wrapping them in a customised event..
Why shouldn't I use immutable POJOs instead of JavaBeans? them instead. Personally the code looks better if it only deals with immutable objects instead of mutate the state all the time...
Java memory model - can someone explain it? tried to understand the part of Java specification that deals with memory model and concurrency. I have to admit that I've..
Java final modifier consistent with the way that the rest of the Java language deals with the object reference duality. For instance when objects..
Producing valid XML with Java and UTF-8 encoding ASCII characters so prologue is always readable . A Reader deals with characters it will decode the byte stream of the underlying..
Java Generics String You should read that as L is a kind of List that deals with String objects . When you start dealing with Factory classes..
What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why? and instantly from the naming of the packages know that it deals with orders customers enterprises products etc. seems pretty.. packaging the dao class in with only the classes it deals with. Obviously if you wanted to expose this functionality you..
JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell understanding by reason my poor English skills but some of deals has only one leg but another for example vanilla Cross Currency..
Compiler complains about “missing return statement” even though it is impossible to reach condition where return statement would be missing JLS 14.21 Unreachable Statements is the section that deals with this The if statement whether or not it has an else part..