java Programming Glossary: dbname
Multiple queries executed in java in single statement for this. String url jdbc mysql localhost 3306 String dbName databaseinjection String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String.. .newInstance connection DriverManager.getConnection url dbName sqlUsername sqlPassword java mysql sql statement share improve..
Automatic 'loading' indicator when calling an async function instead of doing this showLoadingWidget service.getShapes dbName new AsyncCallback public void onSuccess Shape result hideLoadingWidget.. this should be gone showLoadingWidget service.getShapes dbName new AsyncCallback public void onSuccess Shape result this should..
Class not found although particular jar is added in project (android to sqlserver without webservice) code public class MainActivity extends Activity String dbName AndroidDB String serverip String serverport 1433 String.. jdbc sqlserver 14GRAFICALI MSSQLSERVER2008 databaseName dbName String url jdbc sqlserver 14GRAFICALI MSSQLSERVER2008 databaseName..
Proper usage of JDBC Connection Pool (Glassfish) ic new InitialContext m_ds DataSource ic.lookup dbName Connection pool and jdbc resource previously created in Glassfish.. pool and jdbc resource previously created in Glassfish dbName contains the proper JNDI resource name catch Exception e e.printStackTrace.. @WebService public class TestBean private @Resource name dbName DataSource m_ds I'm sorry if it is a nube question but I'm pretty..
MySQL-JDBC: Communications Link Failure password pass String url jdbc mysql 3306 dbName connectTimeout 3000 Class.forName com.mysql.jdbc.Driver Connection..
How can I inject a property value into a Spring Bean which was configured using annotations? public void setDatabaseName String dbName ... @Value # strategyBean.databaseKeyGenerator public void setKeyGenerator..
Android + MySQL using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver conn null String url jdbc mysql localhost 3306 String dbName database String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String userName.. driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database.. conn null String url jdbc mysql localhost 3306 String dbName database String driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver String userName..
Closing JDBC Connections in Pool DriverManager.getConnection jdbc mysql ipaddy dbPort dbName uName pWord Edit I think we are getting the pooled connection..
Solving a “communications link failure” with jdbc and mysql your connection string should be some thing like this dbName my_database dbUserName root dbPassword String connectionString.. dbPassword String connectionString jdbc mysql localhost dbName user dbUserName password dbPassword useUnicode true characterEncoding..
How to execute sql-script file in java? line Process p Runtime.getRuntime .exec psql U username d dbname h serverhost f scripfile.sql BufferedReader input new BufferedReader..
Am I using Java PooledConnections correctly? dataSource.setPort 3306 dataSource.setDatabaseName dbname InitialContext context createContext Creates a context context.rebind..
SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby://localhost:1527 be created if it doesn't exist jdbc derby localhost 1527 dbname create true Databases are created by default in the directory.. location jdbc derby localhost 1527 home pascal derbyDBs dbname create true And just in case check that derbyclient.jar is on..
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver Your URL should be jdbc sqlserver server port DatabaseName dbname and Class name should be like
JSP encoding while inserting non-English text in MySQL database in the JDBC connection URL. jdbc mysql localhost 3306 dbname useUnicode true characterEncoding UTF 8 Then depending on how..
How to use JNDI DataSource provided by Tomcat in Spring? password dbPasswd url jdbc postgresql localhost dbname driverClassName org.postgresql.Driver initialSize 5 maxWait..