java Programming Glossary: db_path
Database not copying from assets path of your application database. private static String DB_PATH data data gr.peos databases Name of the Database to be created... SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY.. Path to the just created empty db String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream OutputStream..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion path of your application database. private static String DB_PATH data data com.mydatabase.db databases private static String.. SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE.. Path to the just created empty db String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream OutputStream..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] location of our database on device private static String DB_PATH private static String DB_NAME YourDbName Database name private.. Database Version if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 17 DB_PATH context.getApplicationInfo .dataDir databases else DB_PATH.. context.getApplicationInfo .dataDir databases else DB_PATH data data context.getPackageName databases this.mContext context..