java Programming Glossary: autocommit
Lock oracle database before running the Delete/Load data scripts phase goals goal execute goal goals configuration autocommit false autocommit onError continue onError srcFiles srcFile.. goal execute goal goals configuration autocommit false autocommit onError continue onError srcFiles srcFile .. sql delete_data.sql..
Hibernate noob fetch join problem org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider autocommit mode false 711 main INFO org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider.. org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider autocommit mode false 2575 main INFO org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider..
In JDBC, when autocommit is false and no explicit savepoints have been set, is it good style or a waste to rollback? JDBC when autocommit is false and no explicit savepoints have been set is it good.. is it better style to just close the connection since autocommit is off or to explicitly roll back and then close the connection..
Will Hibernate flush my updated persistent object when calling session.close()(using FlushMode.AUTO)? pool. Hibernate by default immediately turns off the autocommit mode on this connection with setAutoCommit false . This effectively..
Hibernate batch size confusion 56.121 main DEBUG o.h.transaction.JDBCTransaction current autocommit status false 11 02 56.121 main TRACE org.hibernate.jdbc.JDBCContext..