java Programming Glossary: authenticator
JSF Filter not redirecting After Initial Redirect [closed] @author Bernard @ManagedBean @SessionScoped public class Authenticator private String username private String password public String.. username catch ClassNotFoundException ex Logger.getLogger Authenticator.class.getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex Admin currentAdmin..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application url Global authentication for link username and password. Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication.. link username and password. Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication..
Authenticated HTTP proxy with Java EDIT As pointed out by the OP the using a is required too. I'm updating my answer accordingly for the.. the sake of correctness. For authentication use to set proxy's configuration and set the system properties http.proxyUser.. String authUser user final String authPassword password Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/Authenticator, whats wrong? javax mail Authenticator whats wrong Send to package helper smtp.. SecurityManager security System.getSecurityManager try Authenticator auth new SMTPAuthenticator Session session Session.getInstance.. System.getSecurityManager try Authenticator auth new SMTPAuthenticator Session session Session.getInstance props auth session.setDebug..
JavaMail Exchange Authentication String username username final String password password Authenticator authenticator new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication.. String password password Authenticator authenticator new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return..
Using Javamail to connect to Gmail smtp server ignores specified port and tries to use 25 javax.mail. import javax.mail.internet. private class SMTPAuthenticator extends Authenticator public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication.. private class SMTPAuthenticator extends Authenticator public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return.. mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback false def auth new SMTPAuthenticator def session Session.getInstance props auth session.setDebug..
How to resolve javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException issue? improve this question You need to implement a custom Authenticator import javax.mail.Authenticator import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication.. need to implement a custom Authenticator import javax.mail.Authenticator import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication class GMailAuthenticator.. import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication class GMailAuthenticator extends Authenticator String user String pw public GMailAuthenticator..
How to do Basic Authentication of a resource in Dropwizard be accessed when the user is signed in. public class SimpleAuthenticator implements Authenticator BasicCredentials User UserDAO userDao.. is signed in. public class SimpleAuthenticator implements Authenticator BasicCredentials User UserDAO userDao public SimpleAuthenticator.. BasicCredentials User UserDAO userDao public SimpleAuthenticator UserDAO userDao this.userDao userDao @Override public Optional..
JAX-WS Sharepoint 401 Unauthorized NTLM for me First create an authenticator import import public class NtlmAuthenticator.. import public class NtlmAuthenticator extends Authenticator private final String username private.. public class NtlmAuthenticator extends Authenticator private final String username private final char password public..
How to handle HTTP authentication using HttpURLConnection? most definitely supports authentication with the Authenticator class see Http Authentication . Update In case the Authenticator.. class see Http Authentication . Update In case the Authenticator is not an option you can manually do HTTP basic authentication..
Connecting to remote URL which requires authentication using Java set the default authenticator for http requests like this Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication.. for http requests like this Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return..
Getting mail from GMail into Java application using IMAP try Session session Session.getDefaultInstance props new MyAuthenticator URLName urlName new URLName imap values so that it wouldn't take forever to timeout. Also MyAuthenticator also has the username and password which seems redundant with.. System.exit 2 This is nice because it takes the redundant Authenticator out of the picture. I'm glad this worked because the SSLNOTES.txt..
Using Dropbox Java API for uploading files to dropbox String password myPassword try Authenticator auth new Authenticator configuration String url auth.retrieveRequestToken.. String password myPassword try Authenticator auth new Authenticator configuration String url auth.retrieveRequestToken String access_key..
Is there any easy way to preprocess and redirect GET requests? will always be called on every request. public class Authenticator public void check if someCondition FacesContext facesContext..
JavaMail Exchange Authentication username final String password password Authenticator authenticator new Authenticator protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication.. try Session session Session.getDefaultInstance properties authenticator MimeMessage mimeMessage createMimeMessage session mimeMessageData..
JAX-WS Sharepoint 401 Unauthorized NTLM web services and here's what worked for me First create an authenticator import import username password In your application set up the authenticator as the default String username DOMAIN USERNAME String password.. DOMAIN USERNAME String password PASSWORD NtlmAuthenticator authenticator new NtlmAuthenticator username password Authenticator.setDefault..
Connecting to remote URL which requires authentication using Java share improve this question You can set the default authenticator for http requests like this Authenticator.setDefault new Authenticator..
How do you authenticate against an Active Directory server using Spring Security? bean class beans constructor arg ref initialDirContextFactory.. beans property name authenticator ref ldapAuthenticator custom authentication provider beans bean.. AuthenticationProvider private LdapAuthenticator authenticator public Authentication authenticate Authentication auth throws..