java Programming Glossary: authorized
Standard form authentification Java servlets password are valid by comparing them against a database of authorized users in the specified or default realm. Basic authentication.. is checked to ensure that it is in a role that is authorized to access the resource. If the user is authorized the server.. that is authorized to access the resource. If the user is authorized the server redirects the client to the resource by using the..
Java EE specification and multi threading question pops up once in a while. As per the spec it's not authorized. The best page to look at is this one Q A J2EE Restrictions..
Java - encrypt / decrypt user name and password from a configuration file a password. The server can then decide if that user is authorized to access the third party service. If the client is not interactive..
Library to integrate Google's OAuth/OpenID hybrid in Java Web App? my oauth consumer key openid.ext2.scope oauth scope to be authorized In return in addition to plain OpenID response I receive openid.ext2.request_token.. and access secret which are what is needed to make OAuth authorized calls. That's all Note that in plain OAuth along with request..
How can I protect MySQL username and password from decompiling? files. Make sure you take appropriate steps to prevent unauthorized users from viewing the raw files UNIX permissions Windows permissions.. in which the person using the program already knows and is authorized to know the database credentials. The second is the case in.. from the person using the program. First Case User is authorized to know the database login credentials In this case the solution..
Content is not allowed in Prolog SAXParserException through my java code its getting connected as well getting authorized by the service but when i trying to call the above method it..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM works fine except I receive as response to the login not authorized. Here is the code I use public class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism.. failure xmlns urn ietf params xml ns xmpp sasl not authorized failure As read in the developers Facebook forum it is needed..
Java LDAP - Determine if user in a given group? unprocessedGroupDN username is authorized. return true else unProcessedUserGroups.put unprocessedGroupDN.. groupCN groupDistinguishedName username is authorized. return true username is NOT authorized. return.. is authorized. return true username is NOT authorized. return false catch AuthenticationException e username..
Android C2DM Push Notification null unregistration done new messages from the authorized sender will be rejected Log.d c2dm unregistered else if registration.. retry will get the good one from database. Log.e C2DM Unauthorized need token Check for updated token header String updatedAuthToken..
Jackson error: no suitable constructor 73.99633 description 1 off all drinks This discount was authorized by Toni Rossi. discount null distance 161.40291744228713 draws.. Applies to all services except massages. This discount was authorized by Andy Paningua. discount 30 distance 185.37847063528784 draws.. only. Call ahead for appointment. This discount was authorized by Tiffany Albert. discount 20 distance 350.0873566571568 draws..