java Programming Glossary: authorities
Android - Having Provider authority in the app project declares the provider in the manifest with the android authorities attribute. Hence in principle it should just work so long as..
What is the difference between ROLE_USER and ROLE_ANONYMOUS in a Spring intercept url configuration? are authenticated you are in charge of loading the roles authorities for an authenticated user . It isn't a name that is built in..
Memory barriers and coding style over a Java VM on this and other threads thanks @John V note that the authorities on these issues emphasize the importance of documentation of..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? this are considered if you quote Bloch or other authorities on the subject don't leave out the parts you don't like e.g...
Spring login form example boolean accountNonLocked GrantedAuthority authorities throws IllegalArgumentException super username password enabled.. accountNonExpired credentialsNonExpired accountNonLocked authorities And finally UserDao import org.my_company.my_app.domain.User..
Spring Security Authentication using RestTemplate service sec user name rest.username password rest.password authorities ROLE_USER sec user service sec authentication provider sec authentication..
How to manually set an authenticated user in Spring Security / SpringMVC .getAuthentication .getAuthorities This returns the authorities I set earlier in the authentication. All is well. But when this..
How do you authenticate against an Active Directory server using Spring Security? InitialLdapContext context private List GrantedAuthority authorities new ArrayList GrantedAuthority Construct a new LdapAuthenticationToken.. this.auth auth if auth.getAuthorities null this.authorities.addAll Arrays.asList auth.getAuthorities if defaultAuthority.. auth.getAuthorities if defaultAuthority null this.authorities.add defaultAuthority super.setAuthenticated true Construct..
Spring Security - multiple authentication-providers user service security user name apiadmin password password authorities ROLE_API_ADMIN security user name apiuser password otherpassword.. security user name apiuser password otherpassword authorities ROLE_API_USER security user service security authentication.. security user name apiadmin password password authorities ROLE_API_ADMIN security user name apiuser password otherpassword..
How do I use custom roles/authorities in Spring Security? do I use custom roles authorities in Spring Security While migrating a legacy application to..