java Programming Glossary: autoboxed
Why are these == but not `equals()`? reason as two but it seems worse. Not surprising as x is autoboxed to and Integer . Not surprising as objects in different classes.. is a normal function call. As has been mentioned y will be autoboxed to a Short object. Integer.equals always returns false if the..
When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur? x y is guaranteed to print false . Interning of small autoboxed values can lead to tricky results Integer x 10 Integer y 10..
How Does the toString(), ==, equals() object methods work differently or similarly on reference and primitive types? the Java language says that a primitive type can be autoboxed to give an instance of the primitive type's corresponding wrapper..
Change private static final field using Java reflection The primitive boolean values true and false in main are autoboxed to reference type Boolean constants Boolean.TRUE and Boolean.FALSE.. Boolean.TRUE As a result subsequently whenever a false is autoboxed to Boolean.FALSE it refers to the same Boolean as the one refered..
Performance impact of autoboxing 3 anArray DOES NOT COMPILE While an int can be autoboxed to an Integer an int does NOT get autoboxed to Integer by Java... an int can be autoboxed to an Integer an int does NOT get autoboxed to Integer by Java. You can write library functions to do this..
Arithmetic operations with Java Generics happens to include Integer Float and Double that could be autoboxed and have a plus operator applied however there could be any.. of other unknown descendants of Number that cannot be autoboxed and this cannot be known until runtime. Damn erasure share..
Java Reflection calling constructor with primitive types share improve this question If primitive int value is autoboxed into Integer object it's not primitive anymore. You can't tell..
Java: Array of primitive data types does not autobox This doesn't work. I would expect the char and char to get autoboxed to Character and Character but that doesn't seem to happen...
Why are autoboxed Integers and .getClass() values ==-equal, not only .equals()-equal? are autoboxed Integers and .getClass values equal not only .equals equal ..
Why doesn't autoboxing overrule varargs when using method overloading in Java 7? logLevel 1 logMessage javac ^ As long as the 1 is not autoboxed the method call should be unambiguous as 1 is an int and cannot..