java Programming Glossary: awful
IP Address not obtained in java System.out.println address I'd forgotten just how awful the Enumeration T type is to work with directly Here are the..
Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to. of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to. Sorry for the awful title. The purpose of the Java applet is as such A ball is bouncing..
How can I iterate through the unicode codepoints of a Java String? be stored as two char values or one this seems like an awful expensive way to iterate through characters someone must have..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] not use native graphics hardware very well. Swing is just awful. I blame AWT and Swing for why Java never caught on for the..
Efficient data transfer from Java to C++ on windows to use JNI and the Named Pipe API . pipe blah making a god awful platform specific mess of both sides of the connection. Are..
How to get the parent base class object super.getClass() methods which I need to implement in each child which is awful. Thanks UPDATE I'm using Dozer to convert my domain Hibernate..
Is there a more modern, OO version of “Let's Build a Compiler”? the latter. The compiler worked but the code was really awful. java compiler oop refactoring recursion share improve this..
Source and Javadoc jar generation
How to temporarily disable event listeners in Swing? doPerformAction instead of actionPerformed . This would be awful in an enterprise scenario but in a single VM model like in Swing..
Does Java support RAII/deterministic destruction? an exception is thrown. This approach goes by the fairly awful name of RAII Resource Acquisition Is Initialisation . It's been..
Java Generics generics is pretty easy most of the time . However one awful day you may decide you want to implement a generic class. Perhaps..
Apache Commons equals/hashCode builder manually constructed equals and hashCode methods or those awful monsters Eclipse will generate for you but the Guava versions..
Get term frequencies in Lucene the TermVectorFrequencies class since that takes an awful lot of time for large collections What I mean is is there something..
Java: Rationale of the Cloneable interface invoke clone . You have to use reflection again which is awful. That is only one problem but one I'd certainly solve. share..
Is there a way to make JScience output in a more “human friendly” format? I get results like this 7.5 ± 4.4E 16 mph This isn't awful but I'd really like it to output something like 7.5 miles per..
JPA: How do I specify the table name corresponding to a class at runtime? then I'm not sure JPA is the right tool for you. An awful lot of magic goes into making JPA work including load time weaving..