java Programming Glossary: audioinputstream
How to play .wav files with java javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine.. int BUFFER_SIZE 128000 private File soundFile private AudioInputStream audioStream private AudioFormat audioFormat private SourceDataLine.. System.exit 1 try audioStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream soundFile catch Exception e e.printStackTrace System.exit 1..
How can I play sound in Java? public void run try Clip clip AudioSystem.getClip AudioInputStream inputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream Main.class.getResourceAsStream.. AudioInputStream inputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream Main.class.getResourceAsStream path to sounds url
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API for a BigClip. Does nothing. Information from the AudioInputStream passed in open will be used to get an appropriate SourceDataLine... AudioFormat format @Override public void open AudioInputStream stream throws IOException LineUnavailableException AudioInputStream.. stream throws IOException LineUnavailableException AudioInputStream is1 format stream.getFormat if format.getEncoding AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED..
Detect silence when recording boolean running private ByteArrayOutputStream out private AudioInputStream inputStream final static float MAX_8_BITS_SIGNED Byte.MAX_VALUE.. getFormat File file new File src Facebook 1.wav AudioInputStream stream try stream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream file format.. 1.wav AudioInputStream stream try stream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream file format stream.getFormat frameSize stream.getFormat .getFrameSize..
Playing .mp3 and .wav in Java? internet for like this example public void playSound try AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new File D.. try AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new File D MusicPlayer fml.mp3 .getAbsoluteFile Clip clip AudioSystem.getClip..
Join two WAV files from Java? import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem public class WavAppender.. String wavFile1 D wav1.wav String wavFile2 D wav2.wav try AudioInputStream clip1 AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new File wavFile1 AudioInputStream.. D wav2.wav try AudioInputStream clip1 AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new File wavFile1 AudioInputStream clip2 AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream..
How do you play a long AudioClip? this Source import import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem import javax.sound.sampled.Clip.. File file new File filepath try clip AudioSystem.getClip AudioInputStream inputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream file inputStream.. AudioInputStream inputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream file inputStream catch Exception e System.err.println..
Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file public class AudioWaveformCreator AudioInputStream audioInputStream Vector Line2D.Double lines new Vector Line2D.Double String errStr.. Exception if file null file.isFile try errStr null audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream file fileName file.getName.. file fileName file.getName long milliseconds long audioInputStream.getFrameLength 1000 audioInputStream.getFormat .getFrameRate..
Is there a Java API for mp4 files? as I do with wave files using this code AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream file AudioFormat format audioInputStream.getFormat.. AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream file AudioFormat format audioInputStream.getFormat long audioFileLength file.length int frameSize format.getFrameSize..
Graphing the pitch (frequency) of a sound the data returned by getUnscaledAmplitude AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new BufferedInputStream new.. new FileInputStream file byte bytes new byte int audioInputStream.getFrameLength audioInputStream.getFormat .getFrameSize byte bytes new byte int audioInputStream.getFrameLength audioInputStream.getFormat .getFrameSize bytes Get amplitude..
Trouble playing wav in Java AudioListener listener new AudioListener AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream clipFile try Clip clip AudioSystem.getClip.. clip.addLineListener listener audioInputStream try clip.start listener.waitUntilDone finally clip.close finally..
Playing .mp3 and .wav in Java? this example public void playSound try AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new File D MusicPlayer fml.mp3.. .getAbsoluteFile Clip clip AudioSystem.getClip audioInputStream clip.start catch Exception ex System.out.println Error with..
Audio volume control (increase or decrease) in Java control. import javax.sound.sampled. AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new File some_file.wav Clip.. File some_file.wav Clip clip AudioSystem.getClip audioInputStream FloatControl gainControl FloatControl clip.getControl FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN..