java Programming Glossary: att
JAVA: Build XML document using XPath expressions branch xpath except it is incapable of creating attributes or indexing. Surely a library exists that can do this.. can do this Map xMap new HashMap xMap.put root entity @att fooattrib xMap.put root array 0 ele @att barattrib xMap.put.. do this Map xMap new HashMap xMap.put root entity @att fooattrib xMap.put root array 0 ele @att barattrib xMap.put root array..
Getting element using attribute element using attribute I am parsing Xml using Java i want to parse element with.. Xml using Java i want to parse element with the help of attribute value. For example tag1 att recent Data tag1 In this i.. element with the help of attribute value. For example tag1 att recent Data tag1 In this i want to parse tag1 data using att..
Using DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb int offset String string AttributeSet att throws BadLocationException byPass fb some stuff here super.insertString.. fb some stuff here super.insertString fb offset string att But this is causing me some problems. Can anyone suggest some.. FilterBypass fb int offset String text AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException if filter text text.replaceAll..