java Programming Glossary: audio
Java: What is the difference between implementing Comparable and Comparator? [closed]
Does java have built in libraries for audio _synthesis_? java have built in libraries for audio _synthesis_ Note I do NOT want to read audio file and.. for audio _synthesis_ Note I do NOT want to read audio file and play it. I want to programmatically generate.. and play it. I want to programmatically generate audio files on the fly and play them. Does Java have built in libraries..
How to play .wav files with java someone give me a simple code to play a .wav file. java audio wav share improve this question Finally I managed to do.. 128000 private File soundFile private AudioInputStream audioStream private AudioFormat audioFormat private SourceDataLine.. private AudioInputStream audioStream private AudioFormat audioFormat private SourceDataLine sourceLine @param filename the..
How can I play sound in Java? play sound files in my program. Where should I look java audio share improve this question I personally made this code that..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device a bounty What options are there for compressing raw PCM audio data to a mp3 on a Android device. My original post I'm creating.. to save to the sdcard. The MediaRecorder object can encode audio coming from the microphone into various formats but doesn't.. doesn't allow the encoding from programmatically generated audio data. So my question is is there a standard Android API for..
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API following snippet but i get the this exception import import class tester public static void main String.. as new AudioStream in AudioPlayer.player.start as java audio javasound share improve this question As mentioned Java.. Clip. private SourceDataLine dataLine The raw bytes of the audio data. private byte audioData The stream wrapper for the audioData...
Playing .mp3 and .wav in Java? this example public void playSound try AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new File D MusicPlayer.. .getAbsoluteFile Clip clip AudioSystem.getClip audioInputStream clip.start catch Exception ex System.out.println.. both .mp3 files and .wav files with the same method. java audio mp3 wav share improve this question Java7 now has Media..
Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file import javax.imageio.ImageIO import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.. javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine.. import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException..
Can Java Sound be used to control the system volume? JPanel gui new JPanel new GridLayout 0 1 Mixer.Info mixers AudioSystem.getMixerInfo System.out.println There are mixers.length.. mixer name mixerInfo.getName Mixer mixer AudioSystem.getMixer mixerInfo Line.Info lineInfos mixer.getSourceLineInfo.. 7 machine I get two controls both from the Java Sound Audio Engine . Neither has any effect on the current system volume...
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException import android.content.Intent import import import android.os.Handler.. pause Log.d TAG playing return isPause public void startAudio Log.d TAG startAudio Runnable r new Runnable public void.. return isPause public void startAudio Log.d TAG startAudio Runnable r new Runnable public void run onStart startingIntent..
Should I close the servlet outputstream? [duplicate]
Media Information Extractor for Java framerate Video format and codec Video size width X height Audio channels Audio format Audio bitrate and sampling rate There.. format and codec Video size width X height Audio channels Audio format Audio bitrate and sampling rate There are several libraries.. Video size width X height Audio channels Audio format Audio bitrate and sampling rate There are several libraries and tools..
How does one record audio from a Javascript based webapp? now an alternate solution thanks to JetPack's upcoming Audio API See https Labs Jetpack JEP 18 java javascript..
Audio spectrum analysis using FFT algorithm in Java spectrum analysis using FFT algorithm in Java I want to analyze..
Packaging Java apps for the Windows/Linux desktop to help name the file. The name of the installer Name RPG Audio Mixer ifndef VERSION define VERSION A.B.C endif The file to.. default installation directory InstallDir PROGRAMFILES RPG Audio Mixer Registry key to check for directory so if you install.. old one automatically InstallDirRegKey HKLM Software RPG_Audio_Mixer Install_Dir # create a default section. section RPG Audio..
Audio volume control (increase or decrease) in Java volume control increase or decrease in Java How do I increase.. with the MASTER_GAIN control. import javax.sound.sampled. AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream.. javax.sound.sampled. AudioInputStream audioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream new File some_file.wav Clip clip AudioSystem.getClip..