java Programming Glossary: atts
Sax parsing and encoding String uri String localName String qName Attributes atts builder new StringBuilder public void characters char ch int..
Java. Sax parser. How to manually break parsing? [duplicate] namespaceURI String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException ... throw new SAXException new BreakParsingException..
Convert XML file to CSV in java String uri String name String qName Attributes atts if item .equalsIgnoreCase qName itemHeader new LinkedHashMap.. qName content null insideElement true attribs atts @Override public void endElement String uri String name String.. .length 0 addItemHeader qName if attribs null int attsLength attribs.getLength if attsLength 0 for int i 0 i attsLength..
ANDROID: Parsing XML String uri String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException Gets called every time an opening tag is.. attribute and put it into our HashMap. feed.put Version atts.getValue version else if localName.equalsIgnoreCase PEROID .. new HashMap String Object peroidContent.put From atts.getValue from peroidContent.put to atts.getValue to else if..
JAVA SAX parser split calls to characters() namespaceURI String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException if abc .equalsIgnoreCase localName this.hasABC..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser String uri String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException content new StringBuilder if localName.equalsIgnoreCase..
Generating XML using SAX and Java handler.startElement nsu FIRSTNAME_TAG FIRSTNAME_TAG atts handler.characters this.firstName.toCharArray 0 this.firstName.length..