java Programming Glossary: au
How do I keep CFEXECUTE from hanging after a PrintStackTrace Here is the Java Code public void Execute AdminUtils AU AdminUtils.GetInstance AccountServicesPort AA AU.GetAccountServicesPort.. AU AdminUtils.GetInstance AccountServicesPort AA AU.GetAccountServicesPort LicenseServerRef LicSerRef AU.GetLicenseServerRef.. AA AU.GetAccountServicesPort LicenseServerRef LicSerRef AU.GetLicenseServerRef User UserToSave new User UserToSave.setUserName..
Embed a Executable Binary in a shell script W1A M G0`7V5N9` P 71S0 '3 E 0U R C``7V5D871A` 38X BYG971 4 AU FLN8G@` 6 I @ 6YI ``` ` end There are other things you should..
Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format foo dname 'CN L Melbourne ST Victoria C AU' Enter keystore password Re enter new password Enter key password.. 0x49c03ae5 Signature Algorithm dsaWithSHA1 Issuer C AU ST Victoria L Melbourne CN Validity Not Before.. 57 2009 GMT Not After Jun 16 00 05 57 2009 GMT Subject C AU ST Victoria L Melbourne CN Subject Public Key..
SSL socket php code needs to be converted to Java cert cert.pem key privkey.pem it should show depth 0 C AU ST Some State O Internet Widgits Pty Ltd verify error num 18.. num 18 self signed certificate verify return 1 depth 0 C AU ST Some State O Internet Widgits Pty Ltd verify return 1 Hello..