java Programming Glossary: altogether
Exception Vs Assertion
Pinning a Java application to the Windows 7 taskbar alters the behavior by disabling pinning of my application altogether clearly not what I want. After reading about how Windows interprets..
Loading resources using getClass().getResource() directory . If you are bundling an app it's nice to have altogether so you could include the icon file inside the jar of your app..
Do you use curly braces for additional scoping? [closed] on this Or is it better to use different variable names altogether c# java c scope curly braces share improve this question..
Implemeting 2 interfaces in a class with same method.Which interface method is overridden? may be a tricky task but that's another issue altogether. References JLS 8.4.2 Method Signature JLS 8.4.8 Inheritance..
Round a double to 2 decimal places 27.987654321987 27.99 . But I guess it's best to avoid it altogether since more reliable ways are readily available with cleaner..
What is the security risk of object reflection? on such issues. Reflection can not be turned off altogether it's always possible to reflect on its own public fields methods...
What is the difference between javac and the Eclipse compiler? program is wrapped around or is it a separate compiler altogether If the latter why would they reinvent the wheel java eclipse..
Choosing SSL client certificate in Java to attach it to the request seems to be a different issue altogether. We're using Java 1.5 Axis2 and client classes generated with..
JSF 2 - Bean Validation: validation failed -> empty values are replaced with last valid values from managed bean test it set that context param value to false or remove it altogether. You'll see that it works as intended. However it will bring..
Should I avoid using Java Label Statements? say avoiding break and continue and early return for loops altogether. This may result in some duplicate code. What I would strongly..
Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat Server at localhost are already in use Tomcat service. If necessary uninstall the Windows service altogether. For development just the ZIP file is sufficient. Or if your..
Why do cookie values with whitespace arrive at the client side with quotes? does not support the Max Age attribute and it'll ignore it altogether which causes that the cookie's lifetime defaults to the browser..
Java Regex Helper as official Unicode propoperty names but they do something altogether different . For example Unicode requires that p alpha be the..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded size via Xmx1024m or more or Disabling the error check altogether via XX UseGCOverheadLimit . The first approach works fine the..
Java XPath (Apache JAXP implementation) performance better faster implementation Or should I just avoid XPath altogether for simple queries java performance apache xpath jaxp share..
Java resource as file the ideal approach would be to stay away from altogether. Is there a way to load a directory from the classpath and list..
Why doesn't java have pointers? [closed] considered unsafe and so it is simply left out of Java altogether. Note by the way that many things people attempt to do with..
NamespaceContext and using namespaces with XPath or to create one or failing that to forgo prefixes altogether and specify the xpath with fully qualified names java xml xpath.. XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX Forgoing prefixes altogether is likely to lead to ambiguous expressions if you want to drop..
Double brace initialisation (anonymous inner class) with diamond operator a static initializer here the keyword static is missing altogether . Basically you create a new anonymous subclass of HashMap and..