java Programming Glossary: allocates
JTextPane doesn't display JScrollPane and doesn't Wrap Text the BorderLayout. In your case you used a FlowLayout which allocates the preferred size of the scrollpane which is about the preferred..
JVM heap parameters To summarize the information found after the link The JVM allocates the amount specified by Xms but the OS usually does not allocate.. not allocate real pages until they are needed. So the JVM allocates virtual memory as specified by Xms but only allocates physical.. JVM allocates virtual memory as specified by Xms but only allocates physical memory as is needed. You can see this by using Process..
What does BigInteger having no limit mean? There is no theoretical limit. The BigInteger class allocates as much memory as it needs to hold all the bits of data it is..
How is the java memory pool divided? heap memory s the runtime data area from which the Java VM allocates memory for all class instances and arrays. The heap may be of..
The most sophisticated way for creating comma-separated Strings from a Collection/Array/List? class can be seen as a mutable String object which allocates more memory when its content is altered. The original suggestion..
Too many open files: how many are open, what they are, and how many can the JVM open goes out of hand. Now is there a way to know that my JVM allocates too many handles from OS and doesn't give them back e.g. sockets.. up in time. But I'm still not sure if closed socket still allocates OS's handle... java jvm share improve this question You..
Understanding max JVM heap size - 32bit vs 64bit an entire uninterrupted range for your heap. Sadly Windows allocates some memory somewhere in the middle. This basically leaves you..
Tuning garbage collections for low latency is often uses purely by the thread that created it thus allocates memory accordingly. I'm not sure what it is based on in linux..
What is the exact meaning of Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() and freeMemory()? a totalMemory AND a maxMemory . The answer is that the JVM allocates memory lazily. Lets say you start your Java process as such..
Hibernate use of PostgreSQL sequence does not affect sequence table GenerationType.SEQUENCE Hibernate uses HiLo strategy which allocates IDs in blocks of 50 by default. So you can explicitly set allocationSize..
Virtual Memory Usage from Java under Linux, too much memory used is that if I set a Heap of 128M for example still linux allocates 210 MB of Virtual Memory which is not needed ever. Edit 2 Using.. each of which is its own memory block. Note that the JVM allocates virtual memory space based on the Xmx value this allows it to..
java: (String[])List.toArray() gives ClassCastException of array to create. use toArray new String v2.size which allocates the right kind of array String and of the right size share..
Creating a memory leak with Java a class via an optionally custom ClassLoader. The class allocates a large chunk of memory e.g. new byte 1000000 stores a strong..
How can I get the memory location of a object in java? of a object in java I want to know the location that JVM allocates to objects being placed in the system memory. java object memory..