c++ Programming Glossary: str.substr
Tokenize a string and include delimiters in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1511029/tokenize-a-string-and-include-delimiters-in-c strTemp while string npos pos string npos startpos strTemp str.substr startpos pos startpos tokens.push_back strTemp.substr 0 strTemp.length..
Removing leading and trailing spaces from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1798112/removing-leading-and-trailing-spaces-from-a-string whitespace const auto strRange strEnd strBegin 1 return str.substr strBegin strRange std string reduce const std string str const..
Processing lines from one text file to another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19055100/processing-lines-from-one-text-file-to-another int string datayear while getline in str int year stoi str.substr 54 4 datayear.insert make_pair year str use insert function..
trim is not part of the standard c/c++ library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479080/trim-is-not-part-of-the-standard-c-c-library n r t if string npos s string npos e return else return str.substr s e s 1 test cout trim n r r n r n text here nwith return n..
Is There A Built-In Way to Split Strings In C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/599989/is-there-a-built-in-way-to-split-strings-in-c Found a token add it to the vector. tokens.push_back str.substr lastPos pos lastPos Skip delimiters. Note the not_of lastPos..
set<string>: how to list not strings starting with given string and ending with `/`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7169320/setstring-how-to-list-not-strings-starting-with-given-string-and-ending-with if str.find checkString 0 Check if last letter if a if str.substr str.length 1 1 Output strating at the end of the check string.. check string and for the differnce in the strings. cout str.substr checkString.length str.length checkString.length endl share..
Why is splitting a string slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9378500/why-is-splitting-a-string-slower-in-c-than-python Found a token add it to the vector tokens.push_back str.substr lastPos pos lastPos Skip delimiters lastPos str.find_first_not_of..