c++ Programming Glossary: str.find
Replace part of a string with another string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3418231/replace-part-of-a-string-with-another-string const std string from const std string to size_t start_pos str.find from if start_pos std string npos return false str.replace start_pos.. to if from.empty return size_t start_pos 0 while start_pos str.find from start_pos std string npos str.replace start_pos from.length..
What does string::npos mean http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3827926/what-does-stringnpos-mean mean What does the statement string npos mean here found str.find str2 if found string npos cout first 'needle' found at int found..
Replace substring with another substring C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643512/replace-substring-with-another-substring-c index 0 while true Locate the substring to replace. index str.find abc index if index string npos break Make the replacement. str.replace..
How do I replace all instances of of a string with another string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5343190/how-do-i-replace-all-instances-of-of-a-string-with-another-string const std string to size_t start_pos 0 while start_pos str.find from start_pos std string npos size_t end_pos start_pos from.length.. function expects a length. So change to while start_pos str.find from start_pos std string npos str.replace start_pos from.length..
set<string>: how to list not strings starting with given string and ending with `/`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7169320/setstring-how-to-list-not-strings-starting-with-given-string-and-ending-with obj Debug Check if string starts with the check string if str.find checkString 0 Check if last letter if a if str.substr str.length..