c++ Programming Glossary: str.c_str
std::ostringstream isn't returning a valid string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11164982/stdostringstream-isnt-returning-a-valid-string
How to convert std::string to LPCSTR? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200188/how-to-convert-stdstring-to-lpcstr the same c windows string share improve this question str.c_str gives you a const char which is an LPCSTR Long Pointer to Constant..
C++ stringstream, string, and char* conversion confusion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1374468/c-stringstream-string-and-char-conversion-confusion ss this is a string n string str ss.str const char cstr1 str.c_str const char cstr2 ss.str .c_str cout cstr1 Prints correctly cstr2..
GCC: Use OpenSSL's SHA256 Functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13784434/gcc-use-openssls-sha256-functions SHA256_CTX sha256 SHA256_Init sha256 SHA256_Update sha256 str.c_str str.size SHA256_Final hash sha256 stringstream ss for int i..
Why is modifying a string through a retrieved pointer to its data not allowed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14290795/why-is-modifying-a-string-through-a-retrieved-pointer-to-its-data-not-allowed or c_str . Yes even though the standard in fact requires str.c_str str 0 to be true. That's standardese for you. share improve..
Converting Unicode to Multibyte http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1525456/converting-unicode-to-multibyte loc localeName std use_facet std ctype wchar_t loc .narrow str.c_str str.c_str str.size ' ' result.begin return result It should.. std use_facet std ctype wchar_t loc .narrow str.c_str str.c_str str.size ' ' result.begin return result It should use the current..
How to convert CString and ::std::string ::std::wstring to each other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/258050/how-to-convert-cstring-and-stdstring-stdwstring-to-each-other CString toCString std string const str return CString str.c_str Am I right EDIT Here are more questions How can I convert wstring..
Initializing struct, using an array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286402/initializing-struct-using-an-array char buffer size_t b_size int num char ptr strncpy buffer str.c_str b_size buffer b_size 1 0 find the ' ' ptr strchr buffer ' '..
std::string.resize() and std::string.length() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2880248/stdstring-resize-and-stdstring-length or the family has to be followed by str.resize strlen str.c_str to discard all contents of the string after the first 0 . Overall..
Using strtok with a std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/289347/using-strtok-with-a-stdstring be a char . How can I do this simply I tried token strtok str.c_str which fails because it turns it into a const char not a char..
Convert std::string to const char* or char* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/347949/convert-stdstring-to-const-char-or-char needs const char you can use std string str const char c str.c_str If you want to get a writable copy like char you can do that..
C++ string parsing (python style) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536148/c-string-parsing-python-style f data.txt string str while getline f str Point p sscanf str.c_str f f f n p.x p.y p.z points.push_back p x y z must be floats...
c++ stringstream is too slow, how to speed up? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5830868/c-stringstream-is-too-slow-how-to-speed-up str if str.empty str 0 ' ' return NAN_D const char c_str str.c_str char err double x strtod c_str err if err 0 die unrecognized.. x .fail die unrecognized numeric data str.c_str return x int main string str 12345.6789 clock_t tStart tEnd..
std::string to char* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7352099/stdstring-to-char C string version. std string str string const char cstr str.c_str Note that it returns a const char you aren't allowed to change..
Convert string to int C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7663709/convert-string-to-int-c from std string to a number type. So instead of atoi str.c_str you can use std stoi str where str is your number as std string...
boost asio async_write : how to not interleaving async_write calls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7754695/boost-asio-async-write-how-to-not-interleaving-async-write-calls boost asio async_write m_socket boost asio buffer str.c_str str.size boost bind structure User sent this void..
Safer but easy-to-use and flexible C++ alternative to sscanf() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9825768/safer-but-easy-to-use-and-flexible-c-alternative-to-sscanf out of a string with string str double val1 val2 if sscanf str.c_str lf lf val1 val2 2 got them This obviously isn't very C . I don't..