c++ Programming Glossary: str.end
Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289985/parse-quoted-strings-with-boostspirit iter str.begin const std string const_iterator end str.end bool r phrase_parse iter end grammar boost spirit ascii space.. iter str.begin std string const_iterator end str.end std string data bool r phrase_parse iter end grammar qi space..
How can I use the skipper ascii::space WITHOUT skipping eol? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10465805/how-can-i-use-the-skipper-asciispace-without-skipping-eol I want use phrase_parse function qi phrase_parse str.begin str.end grammar ascii space qi eol But the fourth term ascii space qi.. The simplest answer is qi phrase_parse str.begin str.end grammar ascii blank Of course it depends on your grammar too..
Convert std::string to const char* or char* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/347949/convert-stdstring-to-const-char-or-char str char writable new char str.size 1 std copy str.begin str.end writable writable str.size ' 0' don't forget the terminating.. char writable new char str.size 1 std copy str.begin str.end writable.get writable str.size ' 0' don't forget the terminating.. str std vector char writable str.size 1 std copy str.begin str.end writable.begin get the char using writable 0 or writable.begin..
How to remove characters from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5891610/how-to-remove-characters-from-a-string algorithms like std remove str.erase std remove str.begin str.end chars i str.end output 555 5555555 cout str endl share improve.. std remove str.erase std remove str.begin str.end chars i str.end output 555 5555555 cout str endl share improve this answer..
Remove spaces from std::string in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/83439/remove-spaces-from-stdstring-in-c the algorithm remove_if and isspace remove_if str.begin str.end isspace Now the algorithm itself can't change the container.. the length of the container str.erase remove_if str.begin str.end isspace str.end We should also note that remove_if will make.. container str.erase remove_if str.begin str.end isspace str.end We should also note that remove_if will make at most one copy..
how to check if given c++ string or char* contains only digits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8888748/how-to-check-if-given-c-string-or-char-contains-only-digits
Splitting a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/909289/splitting-a-string iter iter beg str.begin vector string tokens while beg str.end iter temp find beg str.end delim if beg str.end tokens.push_back.. vector string tokens while beg str.end iter temp find beg str.end delim if beg str.end tokens.push_back string beg temp beg temp.. while beg str.end iter temp find beg str.end delim if beg str.end tokens.push_back string beg temp beg temp return tokens c ..
Why is splitting a string slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9378500/why-is-splitting-a-string-slower-in-c-than-python 0 Init to satisfy compiler. for auto it str.begin it str.end it State const newState it delimiter inSpace inToken if newState..