c++ Programming Glossary: storage_device_number
Get drive type with SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2989713/get-drive-type-with-setupdigetdeviceregistryproperty volumes and their disk number. If you will have full STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER information about your USB device we will be able to find all.. enumerate all drive letters with QueryDosDevice and query STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER for every drive. If you will find full match in STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER.. for every drive. If you will find full match in STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER you will find the drive letter. share improve this answer..
Find and eject a USB device based on its VID/PID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065473/find-and-eject-a-usb-device-based-on-its-vid-pid INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE continue Get the device number. STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER sdn dwSize 0 if DeviceIoControl hDrive IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER.. 0 NULL if INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE hVolume continue STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER sdn DWORD dwBytesReturned 0 if DeviceIoControl hVolume IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER..
List Of Physical Storage Devices win32 C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7584627/list-of-physical-storage-devices-win32-c #include commctrl.h #include winioctl.h typedef struct _STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType ULONG DeviceNumber ULONG PartitionNumber.. DeviceType ULONG DeviceNumber ULONG PartitionNumber STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER PSTORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER void PrintVolumes char volName MAX_PATH.. DeviceNumber ULONG PartitionNumber STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER PSTORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER void PrintVolumes char volName MAX_PATH HANDLE hFVol DWORD bytes..