c++ Programming Glossary: stream.read
Fragment shader inexplicable bahaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14573079/fragment-shader-inexplicable-bahaviour stream streamsize count stream.open vertex_shader_filename stream.read buffer MAX_DIM count stream.gcount stream.close vertex_shader.. del fragment shader stream.open fragment_shader_filename stream.read buffer MAX_DIM count stream.gcount stream.close fragment_shader..
Reading and writing to the same file using the same fstream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17536570/reading-and-writing-to-the-same-file-using-the-same-fstream filename std ios in std ios out std ios binary char byte stream.read byte 1 stream.seekp 1 int bytesCount 4096 auto bytesVec std..
Why does this specialized char_traits<uint8_t> and codecvt<uint8_t> for use with the basic_ifstream template throw std::bad_cast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19205531/why-does-this-specialized-char-traitsuint8-t-and-codecvtuint8-t-for-use-with auto read_size 4 stream_type char_type buffer read_size stream.read buffer read_size std cout Got stream.gcount std endl return.. new std codecvt uint8_t char std mbstate_t anywhere before stream.read or alternatively imbue the global std locale global std locale..
Simpler way to create a C++ memorystream from (char*, size_t), without copying the data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2079912/simpler-way-to-create-a-c-memorystream-from-char-size-t-without-copying-t Device stream dataPtr sizeof data uint16_t word1 word2 stream.read char word1 sizeof word1 stream.read char word2 sizeof word2.. uint16_t word1 word2 stream.read char word1 sizeof word1 stream.read char word2 sizeof word2 std cout word1 word2 std endl return..
How to read file which contains \uxxxx in vc++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3147900/how-to-read-file-which-contains-uxxxx-in-vc 0 boost scoped_array char buffer new char size stream.read buffer.get size const std string source buffer.get size const..
Why is failbit when eof on read? Is there a way out? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6781545/why-is-failbit-when-eof-on-read-is-there-a-way-out I try to read into a buffer like this char buffer 10 stream.read buffer sizeof buffer If the stream detects the end of file before.. that just testing eof after the read char buffer 10 stream.read buffer sizeof buffer if stream.eof or stream.gcount sizeof buffer.. case you're asking about is reprinted here char buffer 10 stream.read buffer sizeof buffer Your question is why failbit is set when..