c++ Programming Glossary: stl_vector.h
c++11 std::async doesn't work in mingw http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10209871/c11-stdasync-doesnt-work-in-mingw bin .. lib gcc x86_64 w64 mingw32 4.7.0 include c bits stl_vector.h In instantiation of 'std _Vector_base _Tp _Alloc ~_Vector_base.. bin .. lib gcc x86_64 w64 mingw32 4.7.0 include c bits stl_vector.h 247 15 required from 'std vector _Tp _Alloc vector with _Tp.. bin .. lib gcc x86_64 w64 mingw32 4.7.0 include c bits stl_vector.h 161 9 error invalid use of incomplete type 'class std future..
std::vector::push_back a non-copyable object gives compiler error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13800858/stdvectorpush-back-a-non-copyable-object-gives-compiler-error x86_64 redhat linux 4.7.2 .. .. .. .. include c 4.7.2 bits stl_vector.h 900 9 required from ˜void std vector _Tp _Alloc push_back std..
Question about storing array in a std::vector in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1468058/question-about-storing-array-in-a-stdvector-in-c i586 redhat linux 4.4.1 .. .. .. .. include c 4.4.1 bits stl_vector.h 737 instantiated from ˜void std vector _Tp _Alloc push_back const.. i586 redhat linux 4.4.1 .. .. .. .. include c 4.4.1 bits stl_vector.h 741 instantiated from ˜void std vector _Tp _Alloc push_back const.. i586 redhat linux 4.4.1 .. .. .. .. include c 4.4.1 bits stl_vector.h 741 instantiated from ˜void std vector _Tp _Alloc push_back const..
Is initializer list like this legal in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14790354/is-initializer-list-like-this-legal-in-c11 ' vector int a1 0 1 2 ^ ~~~~~~~ usr include c 4.2.1 bits stl_vector.h 255 9 note candidate constructor with _InputIterator int not.. __first _InputIterator __last ^ usr include c 4.2.1 bits stl_vector.h 213 7 note candidate constructor not viable no known conversion..
glibc detected error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2244822/glibc-detected-error x86_64 redhat linux 4.1.2 .. .. .. .. include c 4.1.2 bits stl_vector.h 133 #6 0x00000000004092ea in ~_Vector_base this 0x96911c8 at.. x86_64 redhat linux 4.1.2 .. .. .. .. include c 4.1.2 bits stl_vector.h 119 #7 0x000000000040941f in ~vector this 0x96911c8 at usr lib.. x86_64 redhat linux 4.1.2 .. .. .. .. include c 4.1.2 bits stl_vector.h 272 #8 0x000000000040943b in ~pair this 0x96911c0 at usr lib..
Why can I not push_back a unique_ptr into a vector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3283778/why-can-i-not-push-back-a-unique-ptr-into-a-vector int ' c mingw bin .. lib gcc mingw32 4.5.0 include c bits stl_vector.h 74 5 6 instantiated from 'void std vector _Tp _Alloc push_back.. int ' c mingw bin .. lib gcc mingw32 4.5.0 include c bits stl_vector.h 74 9 4 instantiated from 'void std vector _Tp _Alloc push_back..
C++ Double Address Operator? (&&) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4549151/c-double-address-operator operator is supposed to do. Here is a code example from stl_vector.h. vector operator vector __x Note double ampersands here NB DR..
How to push_back without operator=() for const members? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9853762/how-to-push-back-without-operator-for-const-members with _Tp Item _Alloc std allocator Item ' ... 3.4.6 bits stl_vector.h 564 instantiated from `void std vector _Tp _Alloc push_back..