

c++ Programming Glossary: pipeline

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


path. Modern processors are complicated and have long pipelines. So they take forever to warm up and slow down . Is there a.. executing. If you guessed wrong you need to flush the pipeline and roll back to the branch. Then you can restart down the other..

How to render offscreen on OpenGL? [duplicate]


buffer anyway. It is only when you map the buffer that the pipeline will block. However PBO's may be optimized to buffer the data..

Header guards do not seem to work?


to compile plus all the files it includes . The original pipeline for C compilation was to first run the pre processor to read..

Which boost libraries are heading for TR2?


this quote at boost.org More Boost libraries are in the pipeline for TR2 It links to the TR2 call from proposals . But I can't..

GDI+ double buffering in C++


bitblt'ing the buffer hWnd hdc at the bottom . My message pipeline is set up properly WM_PAINT calls DrawStuff and I'm forcing..

Floating point vs integer calculations on modern hardware


time is tiny compared to something like causing a pipeline stall or fetching something from main memory I know the correct.. such as x86 because different processors have different pipeline lengths. Also some operations are generally very simple such..

Easy framework for OpenGL Shaders in C/C++


pass through shaders just imitate the fixed functionality pipeline const GLchar vertex_shader void main void n gl_Position ftransform..

Compiling with g++ using multiple cores


j 4 You can also run gcc in a pipe with gcc pipe This will pipeline the compile stages which will also help keep the cores busy...

What happens when a computer program runs?


are then generally copied from the TEXT area into the CPU pipeline then into the CPU registers and executed from there. This was..

MJPEG streaming and decoding


jpeg images To view MJPEG stream one may execute media pipeline string as follows gst launch v souphttpsrc location http ip.. other post on rtsp for constructing gstreamer C API media pipeline This is same as gst launch string but rather implemented as.. gstreamer To save MJPEG stream as multiple images the pipeline Let us put a vertical flip BIN and connect the PADS to the previous..

What is the performance cost of having a virtual method in a C++ class?


usually cannot be branch predicted. This can cause a large pipeline bubble as the processor cannot fetch any instructions until.. deliberately since I was trying to examine the CPU pipeline in isolation so they discount that cost. share improve this..

C/C++ gcc & ld - remove unused symbols


. What would be the way if it exists to modify my building pipeline so that the unused symbols are stripped from the resulting file..

Speeding up file I/O: mmap() vs. read()


and doesn't require random access you want to create a pipeline using the options outlined above. Your processing step should..

getchar() doesn't work well?


though there's a newline sitting in the terminal app or OS pipeline somewhere it hasn't yet gotten as far as the internal stream..

Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL


vec2 t gl_TexCoord 0 .xy get texcoord from fixed function pipeline float CbY ImgHeight floor t.y 4.0 float CrY ImgHeight chromaHeight_Half..

Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL


vec2 t gl_TexCoord 0 .xy get texcoord from fixed function pipeline float CbY ImgHeight floor t.y 4.0 float CrY ImgHeight chromaHeight_Half..