c++ Programming Glossary: pin_ptr
Convert from C++/CLI pointer to native C++ pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271022/convert-from-c-cli-pointer-to-native-c-pointer for all your help As Freich suggested i tried to use the pin_ptr but this instead made the compiler complaining about problems.. complaining about problems converting from interior_ptr to pin_ptr . If i instead try to use the interior_ptr as in pin_ptr void.. pin_ptr . If i instead try to use the interior_ptr as in pin_ptr void pinnedPtr provider CoCreateInstance CLSID_MSPRProvider..
.NET System::String to UTF8-bytes stored in char* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6596242/net-systemstring-to-utf8-bytes-stored-in-char the bytes around while this variable is on the stack pin_ptr Byte pinnedBytes encodedBytes 0 Call the function typecast from..
Memcpy of native array to managed array in C++ CLI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6944288/memcpy-of-native-array-to-managed-array-in-c-cli and need to copy to a managed array. Use memcpy with a pin_ptr. unsigned char pArray unsigned int arrayCount get pArray arrayCount.. ManagedClass ByteArray gcnew array Byte 1 arrayCount pin_ptr System Byte pinPtrArray ManagedClass ByteArray 0 memcpy_s pinPtrArray.. improve this question You are doing it almost right pin_ptr Byte pinPtrArray ManagedClass.ByteArray ManagedClass.ByeArray..
How to convert array<System::Byte> to char* in C++ CLR? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7707985/how-to-convert-arraysystembyte-to-char-in-c-clr void TestByteArray array System Byte ^ byteArray pin_ptr System Byte p byteArray 0 unsigned char pby p char pch reinterpret_cast..