

c++ Programming Glossary: picked

Calling Objective-C method from C++ method?


Objective C code pick better names for your files I have picked these names for verbosity MyObject C Interface.h #ifndef __MYOBJECT_C_INTERFACE_H__..

STL maps with user-defined objects


lhs.id rhs.id The advantage of this is that it will be picked by std map by default and yet you do not expose operator to..

In C++, if throw is an expression, what is its type?


C if throw is an expression what is its type I picked this up in one of my brief forays to reddit http www.smallshire.org.uk..

Visual Studio support for new C / C++ standards?


that we focus on C 0x instead of on C 99. We have cherry picked certain popular C 99 features variadic macros long long but..

How to have template type deduced in std::function arguments with lambda?


if everything goes right then another overload should be picked up otherwise an error of the kind 'no matching overload found'..

Weighted random numbers


to be weighted for example like this 1 90 chance to be picked up 2 56 chance to be picked up 3 4 chance to be picked up Does.. like this 1 90 chance to be picked up 2 56 chance to be picked up 3 4 chance to be picked up Does Boost have some sort of functionality.. be picked up 2 56 chance to be picked up 3 4 chance to be picked up Does Boost have some sort of functionality for this c boost..

What's a very easy C++ profiler (VC++)?


the past and never found them particularly easy. Maybe I picked bad ones maybe I didn't really know what I was expecting But..

How to learn proper C++? [closed]


than English. The issue is that I learned C by example and picked up C as a series of modifications to C. And a lot of my early..

how do I use an enum value on a switch statement in C++


cin switch case 1 EASY can I just type case EASY cout You picked easy break case 2 MEDIUM cout You picked medium break case 3.. EASY cout You picked easy break case 2 MEDIUM cout You picked medium break case 3 HARD ..... same thing as case 2 except on..

Can virtual functions have default parameters?


Here is a sample program to demonstrate what defaults are picked up. I'm using struct s here rather than class es simply for..

Are assertions always bad?


allow us to find potential internal errors that cannot be picked up at a GUI level and may not be initially fatal at a user level...

C++ Dynamic Shared Library on Linux


codelogic and nimrodm do work I just wanted to add that I picked up a copy of Beginning Linux Programming since asking this question..

Why was std::pow(double, int) removed from C++11?


double that the pow double double overload should be picked. Is this just a clarification of the previous intention were..

how to provide a swap function for my class?


Dynamic dispatching of template functions?


variant T U V variant_type variant_type variant type is picked at runtime boost apply_visitor visitor variant where visitor..

Handle arbitrary length integers in C++


so people would read it to the end. UPDATE So i picked an answer that wasn't a direct answer to my initial question..

Programatically disable/enable network interface


Panel 'Network Connections' right clicked on one and picked either enable or disable. Ideally I'd like to use a library..