

c++ Programming Glossary: pkt

Is there an API for Wireshark, to develop programs/plugins that interact with it/enhance it?


improve this question I use pypcap to read packets and dpkt to parse. For example to use dpkt to read packets from a saved.. to read packets and dpkt to parse. For example to use dpkt to read packets from a saved pcap import socket import dpkt.. to read packets from a saved pcap import socket import dpkt import sys pcapReader dpkt.pcap.Reader file sys.argv 1 rb for..

How to use std::sort with a vector of structures and compare function?


and vector typedef struct double x double y double alfa pkt vector pkt wektor filled up using push_back compare function.. typedef struct double x double y double alfa pkt vector pkt wektor filled up using push_back compare function int porownaj.. function int porownaj const void p_a const void p_b pkt pkt_a pkt p_a pkt pkt_b pkt p_b if pkt_a alfa pkt_b alfa return..

Audio output with video processing with opencv


1024 typedef struct PacketQueue AVPacketList first_pkt last_pkt int nb_packets int size SDL_mutex mutex SDL_cond cond.. typedef struct PacketQueue AVPacketList first_pkt last_pkt int nb_packets int size SDL_mutex mutex SDL_cond cond PacketQueue.. SDL_CreateCond int packet_queue_put PacketQueue q AVPacket pkt AVPacketList pkt1 if av_dup_packet pkt 0 return 1 pkt1 AVPacketList..