

c++ Programming Glossary: phx

How to calculate boolean expression in Spirit


lexical_cast.hpp namespace qi boost spirit qi namespace phx boost phoenix struct op_or struct op_and struct op_not typedef.. using namespace qi expr_ or_.alias or_ and_ ' ' or_ _val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_ not_ ' ' and_.. binop op_or _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_ not_ ' ' and_ _val phx construct binop op_and _1 _2 not_ _val _1 not_ ' ' simple _val..

How to learn proper C++? [closed]


Cross-platform way to get line number of an INI file where given option was found


#include fstream namespace qi boost spirit qi namespace phx boost phoenix namespace inireader struct printer printer std.. ' ' char_ char_ eol '#' key raw lexeme txt_ch char_ _val phx bind makenode _1 value raw lexeme txt_ch _val phx bind makenode.. _val phx bind makenode _1 value raw lexeme txt_ch _val phx bind makenode _1 pair key ' ' value heading ' ' raw ~char_..

Boost::Spirit Expression Parser


'_' simple varname number binop simple char_ expr _val phx bind make_binop qi _2 qi _1 qi _3 expr binop simple Step 2 Remove.. simple varname number expr simple _val _1 char_ expr _val phx bind make_binop qi _1 _val qi _2 eoi As you can see within the.. '_' simple varname number binop simple char_ expr _val phx bind make_binop qi _1 qi _2 note _2 expr binop simple As you..

Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++


using namespace qi expr_ or_.alias or_ xor_ or xor_ _val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 xor_ _val _1 xor_ and_ xor and_.. binop op_or _1 _2 xor_ _val _1 xor_ and_ xor and_ _val phx construct binop op_xor _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_ not_ and not_.. binop op_xor _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_ not_ and not_ _val phx construct binop op_and _1 _2 not_ _val _1 not_ not simple _val..