

c++ Programming Glossary: phoenix

boost spirit semantic action parameters


functions or function objects as i barely can grok the phoenix voodoo c parsing semantic boost spirit boost spirit qi share.. a can of worms because it gets at the interface of qi and phoenix. I haven't seen an example either so I'll extend the article.. attribute covered in the article Context contains the qi phoenix interface Match flag manipulate the match state Match flag As..

Cross-platform way to get line number of an INI file where given option was found


#include boost spirit include phoenix.hpp #include boost fusion adapted std_pair.hpp #include fstream.. fstream namespace qi boost spirit qi namespace phx boost phoenix namespace inireader struct printer printer std ostream os _os..

Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++


boost spirit include qi.hpp #include boost spirit include phoenix.hpp #include boost spirit include phoenix_operator.hpp #include.. spirit include phoenix.hpp #include boost spirit include phoenix_operator.hpp #include boost variant recursive_wrapper.hpp namespace.. namespace qi boost spirit qi namespace phx boost phoenix struct op_or struct op_and struct op_xor struct op_not typedef..

Can Boost Spirit Rules be parameterized


a way to automatically convert the literal string to the Phoenix value so that I can use the rule like this rule ... someRule..

Boost::spirit::qi defining a calculator for nullaries


as a semantic action. I assume you really wanted to use Phoenix assignment to assign the binary operation to the exposed attribute..

Singleton pattern in C++


since I am depiling my stack. Alexandrescu called it the Phoenix Singleton as it resurrects from its ashes if it's needed after.. common state. I'll take the opportunity to expose the not Phoenix implementation class Monoid public void foo if State i Instance..

Functional data structures in C++


library would resemble STL and would work well with Boost.Phoenix caveat I haven't actually used Phoenix but as far as I can tell.. well with Boost.Phoenix caveat I haven't actually used Phoenix but as far as I can tell it provides many algorithms but no..

boost spirit semantic action parameters


aren't terribly difficult. Edit Accessing rule context w Phoenix The context variable is only defined when the parser is part..

How does photoshop blend two images together?


A B ChannelBlend_Reflect B A #define ChannelBlend_Phoenix A B uint8 min A B max A B 255 #define ChannelBlend_Alpha A B.. T A B ColorBlend_Buffer T A B Glow #define ColorBlend_Phoenix T A B ColorBlend_Buffer T A B Phoenix And example would be ColorBlend_Glow.. #define ColorBlend_Phoenix T A B ColorBlend_Buffer T A B Phoenix And example would be ColorBlend_Glow TargetPtr ImageAPtr ImageBPtr..

How to pass a method as parameter?


than reinventing the wheel I suggest you look into Boost Phoenix which provides this in a nice peer reviewed library. http www.boost.org..

Boost::Spirit Expression Parser


ast expression which isn't really any fun especially in Phoenix lambda semantic actions. I'll show below what that looks like..