c++ Programming Glossary: notifying
Do I need to synchronize std::condition_variable/condition_variable_any::notify_one http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15887306/do-i-need-to-synchronize-stdcondition-variable-condition-variable-anynotify attempt to lock the mutex find it is still locked by the notifying thread and go back to sleep until the mutex is released. If..
boost named_condition is not waking up waiting process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17731050/boost-named-condition-is-not-waking-up-waiting-process this question The mutex must not be locked across notifying. This is the reason of the deadlock. share improve this answer..
C++/WinInet Change Proxy Settings Windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1781616/c-wininet-change-proxy-settings-windows-7 configuration has changed. Is there a better way to handle notifying the system that the options have changed and need to be reloaded..
Programmatically adding a directory to Windows PATH environment variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1919125/programmatically-adding-a-directory-to-windows-path-environment-variable its name. I think my program is not doing a good job of notifying the system that the PATH has changed or maybe it is notifying.. the system that the PATH has changed or maybe it is notifying them before the change has fully taken effect. I read an article..
c++ parse int from string [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4442658/c-parse-int-from-string fail for input s 10jh . They will return 10 instead of notifying error. So the safe and robust approach is to write your own..
What is the fastest way to change a key of an element inside std::map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5743545/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-change-a-key-of-an-element-inside-stdmap to get it in to TR2. Perhaps you could help by finding and notifying your C National Body representative that this is a feature you..